


“You can take care of yourself, and God helps those who help themselves.”

– James Brown, Singer

「你可以照顧自己,上帝幫助那些幫助自己的人。」 詹姆士·布朗 (歌手)

詹姆士·布朗 (19332006) 為非裔美國歌手、作曲家、樂團團長及唱片製作人,他是放克音樂 (Funk) 的創始人,被尊為「靈魂樂教父」(Godfather of Soul),對 20 世紀流行音樂有著深遠的影響。

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C: Captain Harding  F: Francis
Mack and Francis are applying to be firefi ghters at the local fi re station.
C: Gentlemen, you have both completed our volunteer firefi ghter program and have gained certifi cates in CPR and fire science, but there is just one other requirement that needs to be met in order for you to join this fire house.
F: What’s that, Captain Harding?
C: The Candidate Physical Ability Test, or CPAT. Mack, what was your stairclimb time this afternoon?

哈丁隊長:兩位男士,你們倆都完成我們的志願消防課程,也取得心肺復甦術和火災學的證照, 但是現在你們還需要符合一項規定才能成為消防隊的一份子。
哈丁隊長:那就是應徵者的體能測驗,或稱 CPAT。梅克,你下午跑樓梯的時間是多久? 

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Near the end of 2015, something started in Mashhad, Iran. A blue wall appeared with a message in Farsi: "If you don't need it, leave it. If you need it, take it." The message referred to the clothes hanging on the wall that were left for the homeless. Most people love the idea and hope it spreads across Iran. It has already happened in at least one other city, and more cities are starting their own kindness walls. The clothes are left behind by regular citizens who want to donate directly to the homeless.


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“I don’t run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run towards it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your foot.”

– Nadia Comaneci, Gymnast

「我不會因害怕而逃離挑戰,我反而會正面迎向它,因為避開害怕的唯一方法是把它踏在腳下。」 納迪婭·埃列娜·柯曼妮奇 (體操選手)

納迪婭·埃列娜·柯曼妮奇 (1961- ) 是羅馬尼亞體操選手,第一位在奧運體操獲得滿分的選手,她共拿下 5 面奧運金牌,並 3 度蟬聯歐洲錦標賽全能冠軍,有「體操皇后」的美譽。


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S: Sue E: Ellen
Sue and Ellen are talking in the locker room before the big game.
E: I'm sorry, Sue. I'm just feeling down today. If we don't make the playoffs, that would be OK with me.
S: Ellen, come on. You and I have been cheerleaders here for five years. During that time, we've never even come close to making the playoffs.
E: You're right. I should be more excited. Thanks for cheering me up.

艾 倫: 我很抱歉,小蘇。我只是覺得今天心情很沮喪。如果我們進不了季後賽,那對我來說也沒差。
小 蘇: 艾倫,別這樣嘛。妳和我在這裡已經當了啦啦隊隊員五年了。在這段時間裡,我們從來沒有這麼接近打進季後賽的機會。
艾 倫: 妳說的沒錯。我應該要更興奮才對。謝謝妳幫我打氣。

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