鋼鐵人魅力席捲全球 小勞勃道尼


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World-renowned actor Robert Downey, Jr. has been making headlines and entertaining audiences for the past 45 years. Born April 4, 1965, Downey made his film debut at the age of five as a puppy in a movie titled Pound, directed by his father. Since then, Downey has gone on to play some of the most iconic characters in movie history, from Charlie Chaplin to Sherlock Holmes, and of course Iron Man. Downey is considered one of the most influential actors of the modern era.
Downey, who is not known for being terribly humble, often plays characters which are selfish and self-centered. These personality traits served his early acting career well as Downey made his bones playing bit parts on sketch comedy shows and minor roles in films. It was Downey’s earliest work, however, with his underground film director father that got him into acting.

過去四十五年來,世界知名演員小勞勃道尼總是登上新聞頭條並帶給觀眾歡樂。出生於 1965 年四月四日,道尼五歲時在父親所執導的一部電影《Pound》中初次亮相飾演一隻小狗。從那之後,道尼持續飾演一些影史上最具代表性的角色,從查理卓別林到夏洛克福爾摩斯,當然還有鋼鐵人。道尼被視為是現代最具影響力的演員之一。

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Clarence Birdseye (企業家)


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“Only through curiosity can we discover opportunities, and only through gambling can we take advantage of them.”

– Clarence Birdseye, Entrepreneur

「唯有好奇能讓我們發現機會,唯有冒險能讓我們從中獲利。」克拉倫斯‧伯德西 (企業家)

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Apollo 13


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On April 11, 1970, NASA’s third manned mission to the moon was launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida. The Apollo 13 mission was expected to take its three-man crew to the moon and back, just as the previous two Apollo missions had. This, however, turned out not to be the case. Sometime on April 14, an oxygen tank broke on the Apollo 13 spacecraft, which severely damaged the craft and its ability to keep the crew inside alive.
Inside the mission operations control room in Houston, Texas, NASA’s scientists and engineers raced to get Apollo 13 back safely to Earth. The engineers in Houston laid out a careful step-by-step plan for the Apollo crew to manage their oxygen and redirect their craft towards Earth’s orbit. The mission was seen as a successful failure.

1970 年四月十一日,美國航空及太空總署人類登陸月球的第三次任務從佛羅里達州的甘迺迪太空中心升空。和前兩次的阿波羅任務一樣,阿波羅十三號的任務預期將三位機組人員載往月球並返回。然而,這項任務並沒有完成。四月十四日的某時,阿波羅十三號太空船內的氧氣罐爆炸,嚴重損害太空船並危及維持機組人員在艙內生存的能力。

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Jonathan Ive (設計師)


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“Being superficially different is the goal of so many of the products we see . . . rather than trying to innovate and genuinely taking the time, investing the resources and caring enough to try and make something better.”

– Jonathan Ive, Product Designer

「許多產品的目標只是在外表上形成差異而不是真正花時間去努力創新、投入資源,並用心創造更好的東西。」強納生‧伊夫 (設計師)

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Monkey brings electrocuted friend back to life 猴子協助遭電擊的友伴起死回生

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Onlookers at a train station in northern India watched in awe a monkey using all his powers to bring back to life another monkey who was electrocuted and fell unconscious on the rail tracks.


The unconscious monkey fell down between the tracks, apparently after touching high-tension wires at the train station in the northern Indian city of Kanpur.


His companion came to the rescue and was captured on camera lifting the friend’s motionless body, shaking it, dipping it into a mud puddle and biting its head and skin - until the monkey came to after few minutes.


The first monkey, completely covered in mud, opened its eyes and began moving again.

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