Shelly: Wow! I had no idea!
Kevin: Yep. Our family was a part of American history![singing] “Oh beautiful for 1)spacious skies….”
Shelly: Please, no singing—it’s 5:30 in the morning. We have four days and seven states to go. You’ll get your chance.
Kevin: Ha-ha. I get the picture. I guess 23 hundred miles is a long drive.
Shelly: Well, we’re finally out of L.A.! Flagstaff, here we come!
Kevin: Hey, look at that old sign! Let’s get out and take a pic!
Shelly: Sure. I have to go to the bathroom anyway. 2)Potty break!
雪莉: 哇!我不知道耶。
凱文: 對啊,我們家族可也是美國歷史的一部份呢,(唱歌)「喔,美麗廣闊的天空……」
雪莉: 拜託別唱歌,現在是清晨五點。還有四天和七個州要走呢,你會有機會唱歌的。
凱文: 哈哈,我知道了。我想兩萬三千英里真是很長的路途。
雪莉: 嗯,我們終於離開洛杉磯了!弗拉格斯塔夫我們來了!
凱文: 嘿,你看那個老路標。我們出去照張相!
雪莉: 好啊!反正我要去洗手間。廁所時間!



get the picture 瞭解狀況


picture 在這裡不是指「照片」,必須解釋為「狀況,情勢」,所以 get the picture 是指「瞭解狀況」的意思。 

A: I can’t believe that Brad thinks I like him. 

B: Just start flirting with other guys. He’ll get the picture. 


1) spacious (a.) 寬敞的,寬廣的 
The apartment has a spacious living room.

2) potty (n.) 廁所,原意為「嬰兒便盆」 
Mommy, I have to go potty!

文章出處: 聯合電子報


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