
新北市一名朱姓男子,28號因為停車糾紛,朱男一時失控,竟然拿起車上一瓶高濃度辣椒水亂噴灑,現場共八人中標!其實市售防狼噴霧,多半含有高濃度辣椒水,及其它高刺激成分,可以讓對方眼睛刺痛、呼吸困難。即便 5 到10分鐘,狀況就能解除,但使用時機假如非自我防衛,不只觸及公共危險罪嫌,還可能吃上傷害官司。


[[防身器材業者 沈伯燁]]

[[林口長庚毒物科醫師 林杰樑]]





After spraying, experts describe mace dangers (2013/04/29)

During an argument over parking a man in New Taipei sprayed eight people with pepper spray on Sunday, including a police officer. Experts on Monday described the effects of using common self-defense weapons such as pepper spray and mace. 

One whiff of the active ingredient in mace can blur the vision and induce violent coughing. 

Shen Bo-ye
Self-Defense Equipment Agent
Capsaicin is burning hot. Even if it isn’t sprayed in the eyes it can cause a burning sensation in the skin.

Lin Chieh-liang
Chang Gung Hospital Toxicologist
Mace is used around the world and is much like tear gas. When sprayed, the victim immediately tears up. His nose runs and he could begin violently coughing. He may begin to vomit severely.

Mace is used to ward off attacks. Besides capsaicin,some pepper sprays have Phenacyl chloride. Much like an ingredient in tear gas, it causes short-term incapacitation.

Wrongful use of mace can lead to legal trouble.

Spraying mace in a public area can pose a safety risk for passersby. By endangering the safety of public traffic it would be a violation of Article 185 of the Criminal Code.

Lawyers say that people should only use mace when necessary.


文章出處 :民視英語新聞



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