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Several of Taiwan’s biggest firms plan to give raises (2013/06/12)

Many companies remain tight-fisted when it comes to the subject of employee raises. But several of Taiwan’s largest enterprises have announced that they plan to give a little extra back to their workers this year. 

Formosa Plastics Group Chairman William Wong, top executives of the group’s four major units and labor union representatives worked together on a deal. They agreed to a 2.5 percent raise and a NT$3,000 bonus.

Ho Shui-wen
Formosa Plastics Group
Our first quarter performance was good, but the second quarter was much worse. The chairman still felt, however, that it was important to care for our workers.

Automobile groups Yulon and Hotai say the domestic car market is poor, but they have seen success in their reinvestment business. They too hope to give back to their workers. 

Chen Kuo-rong
Yulon Motor President
We are considering this. Internally we are discussing what percentage raise we should offer.

Other companies that say raises are in store include Wowprime, DinTaiFeng, Taiwan Mobile, TSMC and HTC.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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