英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

From ancient times to the modern era, the people of London have used the Thames for many purposes. It has provided fresh drinking water, fresh fish, and acted as the gateway to the world, via the London Docks. In a nutshell, the Thames has done it all.
Since 1997, the River Thames has been celebrated in the annual Mayor’s Thames Festival. The festival started out as a weekend festival, later becoming a 10-day event. It has become so popular in recent years that, in 2014, it will take place for the entire month of September. The festival is responsible for millions of tourists flocking to central London each year. Activities include art, music, and exciting water events.
自 1997 年起,人們以一年一度的泰晤士河節來頌揚泰晤士河。泰晤士河節開始時是僅短短為期一個週末的慶典,後來演變為十天的慶祝活動。近年來泰晤士河節變得越來越受歡迎,2014 年九月的泰晤士河節將舉行整整一個月。泰晤士河節亦是每年數百萬遊客湧入倫敦市中心的原因。慶祝活動包括藝術、音樂和刺激的水上活動。



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