
The King of Horror




There are many who consider Stephen King the best horror writer of all time. In the 40 years since his first novel, Carrie , the American author has seen success after success. King has published more than 50 books and sold a combined total of 350 million copies worldwide. In addition, he has received numerous horror and fantasy awards and even one from the Mystery Writers of America. Many of his books and novellas have been adapted for movies and television over the years. King even sometimes makes brief appearances in the films made from his work. King credits seeing the cover of a collection of short stories written by master of horror, HP Lovecraft, as one of his major inspirations for becoming a horror writer.


有許多人認為史蒂芬•金是有史以來最棒的恐怖小說作家。從他的第一本小說《魔女嘉莉》問世至今四十年來,這位美國作家屢屢獲得成功。史蒂芬•金已出版了五十多本書,而且全球總計賣出了三億五千萬本。此外,他已獲得許多恐怖與奇幻小說獎,其中一個獎甚至是美國推理小說作家協會頒發的。多年來,他的許多書和中篇小說已被改編成電影及電視劇。史蒂芬•金有時候甚至會在改編自他的作品的電影中露臉一下。史蒂芬•金看到恐怖小說大師 HP 洛夫克拉夫特一系列短篇故事的封面,他把這點歸功成是使他成為恐怖小說作家的主要靈感來源之一。



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