Grains of Talent

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自

Everybody has a talent hidden inside, even if they do not sense it. Ukrainian Kseniya Simonova worked as a graphic artist for a agazine until the global financial crisis of 2008 hit. When Simonova lost her job, she was worried because she had just given irth to her son. Her husband saw her talent and pressed her to try sand art.
Simonova's husband understood her skills and encouraged her to take part in Ukraine's Got Talent, a TV show with a NT$3 million rize. Simonova entered a video of a two-minute sand art performance and was put into the semi-finals. Finally, Simonova made he finals and presented an eight-minute story of romance during a time of war. The crowd gave her a big hand, and many people ad tears running down their cheeks. Simonova won the 2009 contest and helped spread sand art around the world.

每個人都有隱藏在內心深處的天賦,雖然大部分的人都沒意識到這點。烏克蘭的克謝尼婭•西蒙諾娃曾經在一家雜誌社擔任美工,直到 2008 年全球金融危機來襲。西蒙諾娃失業時,她很擔心因為她才剛生下她兒子不久。她丈夫看出她的天份,力勸她嘗試沙畫藝術。
西蒙諾娃的丈夫了解她的能耐,鼓勵她參加獎金高達三百萬台幣的電視選秀節目《烏克蘭達人》。西蒙諾娃以兩分鐘的電視沙畫藝術表演參賽進入準決賽。最後,西蒙諾娃成功進入了決賽,為觀眾呈現了一段八分鐘愛在戰火紛飛時的羅曼史。觀眾都給她熱烈的掌聲,許多人的眼淚都從臉頰流了下來。西蒙諾娃贏得 2009 年的比賽,進而把沙畫藝術傳遍全世界。 

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