The Art and Skill of Making Paper Models
紙玩藝 百變紙模型

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自

The idea of turning a simple piece of paper into a three-dimensional form of art has long attracted people. For centuries, creative individuals have folded and shaped paper into complicated figures. In Japan, for example, this activity is known as origami. Thicker paper and cardboard are used to create stronger, even more impressive models. These paper models, also known as card models, were commonly found in magazines in the early 1900s. Buyers of the magazines could cut out the various shapes, fold them, and glue them together. Moreover, the Internet has led to a renewed interest in them. The designs can be easily achieved by downloading them for free from websites, and then they can be printed on thick paper.
把單純一張紙轉變成 3D 藝術形式的構想長久以來一直吸引著人們。數百年以來,創意十足的人們將紙張摺疊並雕塑成複雜的造型。例如,在日本這種活動稱為摺紙藝術。厚的紙張和硬紙板被用來製作更堅固的、甚至更令人印象深刻的模型。這些紙模型也被稱作卡片模型,在二十世紀初期它普遍出現在雜誌上。購買雜誌的人可以剪下各式各樣的形狀,摺疊後,並黏貼起來。此外,網路使大眾對它產生全新的興趣。只要從免費的網站上下載,這些設計作品就能輕易取得,然後用厚的紙把它們列印下來。 

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