Imagine walking around a corner and coming face to face with an exact likeness of yourself. For many celebrities, this puzzling experience is something they have encountered at Madame Tussauds, the world-famous wax museum.
Founder Marie Tussaud was born in Strasbourg, France, in 1760. Her mother was a housekeeper for a doctor, Philippe Curtius, in Bern, Switzerland. It just so happened that the doctor was also a skilled wax modeler, so he passed on the skill to Tussaud. When Doctor Curtius passed away in 1794, Tussaud inherited his wax model collection. She would take the collection on a tour of Europe lasting over three decades before finally settling down in London. That was where the first Madame Tussauds wax museum opened its doors in 1835.

對許多名人而言,這個令人困惑的體驗是他們在世界知名的蠟像館── 杜莎夫人蠟像館 ── 所遇到的。
創辦人杜莎夫人 1760 年時出生於法國的史特拉斯堡市。她母親在瑞士的伯恩市當菲力歌德施醫生的女管家。那位醫生剛好也是一位技術熟練的蠟塑家,所以他把這些蠟塑的技巧傳給了杜莎夫人。
1794 年歌德施醫生去世時,杜莎夫人繼承了他的蠟製品收藏。在她最後定居於倫敦前,她帶著收藏品遊覽歐洲歷經三十多年。1835 年第一間杜莎夫人蠟像館於倫敦開幕。 


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