



In the future, the world has been taken over by machines, and the fate of humanity rests on the shoulders of one man, John Connor. Connor leads the few remaining humans against the machines, but there is a problem. The machines have sent a terminator back in time to kill Connor’s mother and stop the human resistance from ever forming. Connor sends his top lieutenant, Kyle Reese, to protect his mother against the terminator. When Reese travels back in time, however, he discovers that the past has changed and the future he came from no longer exists. Cameron’s latest sci-fi classic will be in theaters this month with Terminator: Genisys .

在未來,世界被機器控制,而人類命運的重擔落在一個人的肩上,他就是約翰康納。康納率領少數殘餘的人類來對抗機器軍團,但是有個問題。機器軍團派了一個魔鬼終結者回到過去謀殺康納的母親,以阻止人類反抗勢力的形成。康納派出他最頂尖的中尉 凱爾瑞斯去保護他母親免遭魔鬼終結者的殺害。然而瑞斯穿越時空回到過去時,他發現過去已經改變,而且他所屬的未來也不再存在了。卡麥隆的最新經典科幻片《魔鬼終結者:創世契機》將於這個月在電影院上映。 


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