


In November of 2011, NASA launched its newest rover named Curiosity to explore the surface of Mars. Recently, Curiosity 's instruments detected methane gas in the Martian atmosphere. The presence of methane is significant because it may indicate that some form of life exists on the red planet. While the rover's findings are not certain, it does open the possibility that Earth may not be the only planet with life on it. The discoveries that NASA is making today are important, but not nearly as impressive as what lies ahead.
The space agency has a few more projects that, if realized, will bring us a bit closer into the world of science fiction. First among these missions is a proposed plan to build solar-powered airships that would float high up in the atmosphere of Venus.

 2011 年十一月,NASA 發射了名為「好奇者號」的最新探測車去探索火星表面。最近,「好奇者號」的儀器在火星的大氣層中探測到了甲烷氣。甲烷的存在是很重要的,因為這可能表示這顆紅色行星上有某種生命形態存在。雖然探測車的發現不是很明確,但這的確顯示了地球也許並非是唯一有生命存在之行星的可能性。NASA 目前的發現很重要,但是跟未來要進行的計畫相較之下就有點失色了。



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