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2022/04/13 05:30

Taking long naps could be a precursor of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study that tracked the daytime sleeping habits of elderly people.


The findings could help resolve the conflicting results of the effects of napping on cognition in older adults, with some previous studies highlighting the benefits of a siesta on mood, alertness and performance on mental tasks.


The latest study suggests that an increase over time in naps was linked to a higher chance of developing mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s.


The scientists think it is more likely that excessive napping could be an early warning sign, rather than it causing mental decline.


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2022/04/11 05:30
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic threatens to reverse decades of progress made towards gender equality, according to a global study that reveals women have been hit much harder socially and economically than men.


The research, conducted by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington and published in the Lancet, shows that women have experienced greater negative social and economic impacts than men.


The greatest and most persistent gender gap was seen in employment and uncompensated labour, with 26% of women reporting loss of work compared with 20% of men globally in September 2021. Women and girls were also more likely to drop out of school and more likely to report an increase in gender-based violence than men and boys.

最大和最持久的性別差距,出現在就業和無償勞動方面,2021年9月全球有26%的女性通報失業,而全球男性的比例為 20%。相較於男性與男孩,女性和女孩也更有可能輟學、遭受更多性別暴力對待。

reverse:動詞,使顛倒,使倒轉,使反轉。例句:He suddenly reversed his decision to get married. (他突然推翻他要結婚的決定。)

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2022/04/08 05:30

East Japan Railway Co. (JR East) will become the first railway operator to hike passenger fares and use the funds to improve accessibility for the disabled.


The plan is to tack on 10 yen (8 cents) to a ticket for JR East’s 16 major lines, including the Yamanote, Chuo and Keihin-Tohoku lines. The increase will go into effect from spring 2023.


The transport ministry in December 2021 created a new system of adding fares to a ticket to pay for the installation of platform safety doors and elevators at train stations.


Ministry officials said JR East is the first railway company to announce a specific plan.


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2022/04/07 05:30

Japan’s Meiji University professor Homei Miyashita has developed a prototype lickable TV screen that can imitate food flavors, another step towards creating a multi-sensory viewing experience.


The device, called Taste the TV (TTTV), uses a carousel of 10 flavor canisters that spray in combination to create the taste of a particular food. The flavor sample then rolls on hygienic film over a flat TV screen for the viewer to try.


In the COVID-19 era, this kind of technology can enhance the way people connect and interact with the outside world, said Miyashita.


"The goal is to make it possible for people to have the experience of something like eating at a restaurant on the other side of the world, even while staying at home," he said. A commercial version would cost about 100,000 yen to make.(Reuters)


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2022/04/06 05:30

Struggling to sleep? Put some muscle into your efforts by adding resistance training, otherwise known as weight training, to your weekly exercise routine.


In fact, resistance training may even beat aerobic exercise in the race for best sleep aid, according to a new preliminary study presented Thursday at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle & Cardiometabolic Health Conference.


"In our study, we found that resistance exercise appeared to go above and beyond aerobics or even a combined aerobic and resistance routine on several different sleep outcomes," said study author Angelique Brellenthin, an assistant professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.


put some muscle into:片語,多努力一點。在本文與字面意思「多用肌肉」雙關。例句:To achieve your goals you have to put some muscle into it.(要達成目標你得多加把勁)。

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2022/03/31 05:30

While many companies are offering bonuses or higher pay as a way to lure and keep workers, a Florida business is offering a drawing for two brand new and mortgage-free houses.


Mechanical One, which provides air conditioning and plumbing for new developments, is planning to hold the drawing in December, said president and CEO Jason James.

專營新建案空調和管線工程的Mechanical One總裁兼執行長傑森.詹姆斯表示,抽籤儀式預計12月舉辦。

The company has bought two lots for the three-bedroom, two-bath homes and has set aside a $500,000 budget for the project.


James said he thought about other incentives, such as giving away a car or a vacation. But then he decided he wanted his employees to be able to enjoy their own homes. "Many of our employees own a home already, but a lot of them rent."


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2022/03/30 05:30

Peruvian President Pedro Castillo dumped his prime minister Friday just three days after appointing him, amid outrage over revelations he was accused of domestic violence in 2016.


"I have decided to recompose the cabinet," the president said, meaning Prime Minister Hector Valer Pinto is out.


The leftist Castillo announced the change in a brief television address in which he did not mention Valer Pinto by name.


The opposition and even some cabinet ministers were up in arms about Valer Pinto’s continued presence in the government.


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2022/03/28 05:30
Researchers in the US treated healthy mice with a form of gene therapy that refreshed older cells, making the animals more youthful according to biological markers that are used to measure the effects of ageing.


Repeating the trick in humans is far from straightforward, but the findings will fuel interest in radical new therapies that aim to slow or reverse the ageing process as a means of tackling age-related diseases such as cancer, brittle bones and Alzheimer’s.


The scientists drew on previous work by the Japanese Nobel laureate Prof Shinya Yamanaka, who showed that a mixture of four molecules – known as Yamanaka factors – can rewind adult cells into youthful stem cells that are capable of forming almost any tissue in the body.


rejuvenation:She is one of the people behind the rejuvenation of the company.(她是隱沒在公司復興背後的人之一。)

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2022/03/24 05:30

Dvur Kralove zoo in Czech Republic has welcomed a critically endangered eastern black rhinoceros baby that has taken the name of Ukraine’s capital Kyiv in honor of that country’s resistance to invading Russian forces.


"The name is another expression of our support for the Ukrainian heroes," zoo Director Premysl Rabas said.


Kyiv’s mother Eva has been taking care of him in a best possible way, the zoo said, with the baby gaining 1 kilogram a day. It currently weighs about 50 kilograms.


Poaching has reduced the number of the eastern black rhinos living in the wild to around 800. The Czech park has 14.


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2022/03/23 05:30

A 7-square-metre microflat, cramming in a bed, toilet, shower, sink and a microwave tucked under the pillow, has sold for 80% above its minimum listing price at £90,000.


The microflat, located in a Victorian conversion in Lower Clapton, east London, is believed to be the capital’s smallest-ever property, marking a turn towards tiny homes driven by the UK’s housing crisis of soaring rent and property prices.


The apartment had a minimum price at auction of £50,000, but sold at 80% higher at £90,000.


It was bought for £103,500 in May 2017. But the owner has already recouped their investment by receiving £800 a month in rent.


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2022/03/21 05:30
Ants have the ability to sniff out cancerous cells in humans, a new study has discovered, suggesting they could be used for cancer diagnosis in future.


Researchers from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) discovered that ant species Formica fusca has a well developed sense of smell.

法國國家科學研究中心(CNRS)的研究人員發現,「黑山蟻」(學名:Formica fusca )這種螞蟻品種,嗅覺非常發達。

It was able to differentiate cancerous cells from healthy cells in humans, thanks to their sense of smell, limited trials revealed. But more clinical tests must be carried out before they could be used in clinical settings like hospitals, the team said.


They suggest that in future, ants could turn out to be better at dogs when it comes to locating cancerous cells in humans.


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2022/03/18 05:30

Doctors at at the Mayo Clinic, one of the world’s leading hospitals, are confronting the same challenges as their colleagues everywhere: exhaustion, burnout and exasperation at patients who still refuse to mask up and get vaccinated.


And that was before the arrival of omicron, the most transmissible variant yet, which is sickening staffers as well as patients and fueling workforce shortages.


As a result, health-care systems nationwide are canceling elective procedures, turning away requests to take emergency medical services patients and grappling with workers calling in sick.


Multiple states have deployed the National Guard to help support stressed hospitals, often by simply managing administrative tasks such as helping deliver food or cleaning dirty rooms.


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2022/03/16 05:30

A pair of fighting goats blocked off the entrance to a supermarket car park.


A herd of Great Orme goats were seen at Asda in Llandudno, Conwy county, with one pair locking horns at the traffic lights.


Nurse Michelle Evans, who saw them, said: "They were having a right scrap and making a heck of a noise. It sounded like one was hurt."


Ms Evans added: "They were really going at it. The two goats fighting had their horns locked while the rest of the herd was just watching."


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  • Mar 16 Wed 2022 16:05

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2022/03/16 05:30

A pair of fighting goats blocked off the entrance to a supermarket car park.


A herd of Great Orme goats were seen at Asda in Llandudno, Conwy county, with one pair locking horns at the traffic lights.


Nurse Michelle Evans, who saw them, said: "They were having a right scrap and making a heck of a noise. It sounded like one was hurt."


Ms Evans added: "They were really going at it. The two goats fighting had their horns locked while the rest of the herd was just watching."


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  • Mar 16 Wed 2022 16:05

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2022/03/14 05:30
Dogs may need a little help from their human friends to get over the death of another dog, according to a new study.


A survey of dog owners in Italy reported that 86 percent of them saw negative changes in the behavior of a surviving dog after the death of a companion dog in the same household — among other things, the surviving dog typically sought more attention, ate less and played less for several months after the event.


But their owners can ease the grieving process by maintaining any routines dogs are used to and staying close to their surviving pets, said Dr. Federica Pirrone, a veterinary physiologist at the University of Milan and the lead author of the study published Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports.


get over sth/sb:片語,從(疾病或令人不快的事)中恢復過來。例句:He have get over the language barrier.(他已克服語言障礙。)

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2022/03/10 05:30

Wags and Walks adoption center, an animal shelter in Los Angeles, teamed up with website building company Squarespace to create the website wagsandwalksfoster.com, which shows dogs and their star signs to help get better foster matches.


"Compatibility is a huge factor when it comes to pairing a pet with a foster owner and what better way to showcase compatibility than with astrological signs?" said Ashley Camale, head of consumer, product and international communications at Squarespace Inc.


Workers at Wags and Walks keep records of personality traits and likes and dislikes of each dog in their care.


Ariana Howell, the center’s volunteer coordinator, said, "Though for the most part we don’t know their actual birthdays, we assign them a star sign based on their personalities as we get to know them."


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2022/03/09 05:30

It’s not often that tax can lift people’s spirits but Ukrainian authorities may have done just that, assuring citizens that any Russian military equipment they seize won’t need to be declared for tax purposes.


"Have you captured a Russian tank or armoured personnel carrier and are worried about how to declare it? Keep calm and continue to defend the motherland!" Ukraine’s National Agency for the Protection against Corruption said.


The rare wry moment comes as fighting intensifies across Ukraine and the conflict enters its eighth day.


The agency went on to explain there was “no need to declare the captured Russian tanks and other equipment, because the cost of this ... does not exceed 100 living wages.”


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2022/03/07 05:30
As much as 74 percent of voters in New York City say crime is a very serious problem in the city, reaching the highest level since the topic was included in the Quinnipiac University Poll in 1999.


Crime ranks as the most urgent issue facing New York City, according to the survey. As much as 46 percent of respondents say crime is the most urgent issue facing the mega city making it the top issue while affordable housing and homelessness issues have 14 percent and 9 percent in favor, respectively.

根據這項調查,犯罪是紐約市面臨的最緊迫問題。多達46%的受訪者表示,犯罪是這座巨型城市面臨的最緊迫問題,使其成為首要問題,而負擔得起的住房和無家可歸問題,分別有14% 和9% 的受訪者表示認同。

Meanwhile, 43 percent of voters say New York City is less safe compared with other big cities, which is the highest level since the question was first asked by Quinnipiac in 2003.


rank:動詞,排名、排序。例句:Harvard is ranked among the ten best universities in the world. (哈佛大學躋身全球前10所最佳大學之一。)

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