The Kids Are All Right

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自

In a world controlled by grown-ups, it is nice to see that kids can take the lead and show the adults a thing or two every now and again. In the fashion industry, for instance, names like Gucci, Chanel, and Christian Dior are bound to sound familiar. There is one little four-year-old girl, however, who is starting to turn heads. This little fashionista, Mayhem Keiser, sketches out her designs and then creates fantastic dresses using nothing but colored paper and Scotch Tape. As a result, her dresses feature some unique patterns that are quite complex for just an average four-year-old.
在由大人掌控的世界裡,很高興看到小朋友們獨領風騷,不時向大人展現他們的一些才能。舉例來說,時尚界中的名牌,像是古馳、香奈兒和克里斯汀•迪奧對大家來說一定都是耳熟能詳的名字。然而,有一位四歲小女孩卻開始引起大家的注意。Mayhem Keiser 這位小小時尚達人,她畫完設計草圖後,接著只用色紙和思高透明膠帶就創造出很棒的洋裝。因此,她做出來的洋裝上面,常常都有一些很別緻的圖樣,對一般四歲的小孩來說是相當複雜的。 

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