
HG WellsThe Father of Science Fiction



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Wells' stories have been adapted to other media formats like radio, television, and film. The most famous radio show was the 1938 radio presentation of The War of the Worlds , a novel about aliens invading Earth. On Halloween night, the famous actor and director, Orson Welles, read a version of the story where the aliens attacked New Jersey. Some listeners believed the story was really happening, and people across the United States panicked.
Since the radio adaptation, Wells' novels have inspired many films and television shows. Some are based directly on Wells' work, such as The Time Machine in 2002 and The War of the Worlds in 2005, both of which were successful films. Others are more loosely based on Wells' work, like the thriller Hollow Man in 2000, which was based on The Invisible Man. Wells wrote


威爾斯的小說已被改編成其他媒體形式,像是廣播、電視和電影。最有名的廣播劇是 1938 年《世界大戰》的廣播表演,而這本小說是關於外星人入侵地球的故事。萬聖節當晚,知名演員及導演奧森威爾斯唸了小說中外星人攻擊紐澤西州這段故事的改編版本。有些聽眾相信這個故事真的正在發生,而美國各地的人們都驚恐萬分。
自從這個廣播劇上演後,威爾斯的小說已激發了許多電影及電視節目。有些是直接根據威爾斯的作品所改編的,如 2002 年上演的《時光機器》以及 2005 年的《世界大戰》,而且這兩部電影都很成功。其它電影則比較沒有那麼完全地根據威爾斯的作品來改編,像 2000 年的驚悚片《透明人》便是根據《隱身人》所改編的。威爾斯在一百多年前寫了這些小說,但是它們卻不斷帶給世界各地的讀者歡樂,甚至現今依然如此。 


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