



Cartoons have been around for a long time. TV networks found that broadcasting cartoons during parts of the morning and early afternoon attracted a lot of children to watch TV. It was American businessman Ted Turner, who started CNN as a 24-hour news network, that decided to show cartoons around the clock. His company, Turner Entertainment, launched Cartoon Network in October 1992. By the time he went on the air with Cartoon Network, Turner's company already had a huge number of animated shows available. This is because he had previously bought a big part of the film and TV library of MGM, a giant film and media company. Turner also bought Hanna-Barbera Productions, a famous animation studio.
Since a TV channel that broadcasts cartoons 24 hours a day was a completely new concept, many at first thought it would not be successful. However, the cable TV channel began appealing to a larger audience.

卡通已經存在很長的一段時間了。電視頻道發現在早晨及午後播放卡通會吸引很多小孩看電視。美國商人泰德透納創立了二十四小時播報新聞的 CNN 頻道,就是他決定全天候播放卡通的。他的透納娛樂公司在 1992 年的十月創立卡通頻道。在透納播出卡通頻道前,他的公司已經有很多動畫片可播放。這是因為他先前就買下了米高梅這間龐大的電影媒體公司裡大部分的影片和電視節目庫存。透納也買下一間知名的動畫工作室 ── 漢納巴伯拉動畫。


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