2022/01/06 05:30

One desperate California school district is sending flyers home in students’ lunchboxes, telling parents it’s "now hiring." Elsewhere, principals are filling in as crossing guards and schools are moving back to online learning.


Now that schools have welcomed students back to classrooms, they face a new challenge: a shortage of teachers and staff the likes of which some districts say they have never seen.


Public schools have struggled for years with teacher shortages, particularly in math, science, special education and languages. But the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated the problem.


The stress of teaching in the COVID-19 era has triggered a spike in retirements and resignations. Schools also need to hire staffers like tutors and special aides to make up for learning losses and more teachers to run online school for those not ready to return.(AP)


flyer:名詞,(廣告)傳單。例句:I once worked as a flyer-sender during college.(我曾在大學期間打工發傳單。)

fill in:動詞片語,填寫;臨時代替。例句:Please fill in every blank on the paper.(這張紙上的所有空格均須填寫。)

the likes of:慣用片語,類似的人或物。例句:He will not date the likes of me.(他不會跟我這種人約會。)



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