Linsanity - The Taiwanese-American dream 林書豪炫風 - 台裔美籍男子的夢想成真  
As the first ripples of "Linsanity" hit Asia, ethnic Chinese-American Jeremy Lin's fairytale rise has marketing men rubbing their hands with glee as they contemplate a potential candidate to fill the very large shoes left by last year's retirement of Yao Ming. 隨著「林來瘋」第一波浪潮席捲亞洲各地,這位台裔美籍球員以童話故事般的方式崛起,讓行銷人員摩拳擦掌、歡天喜地盤算著要讓這個潛力股接替去年退休的姚明所留下的廣大市場。
A clean-cut Harvard graduate rejected by a string of famous American teams, New York Knicks guard Lin has emerged suddenly over the last couple of weeks to inspire a franchise which has underperformed for years in one of the world's biggest sports markets. 形象清新的哈佛大學畢業生林書豪在遭到數支著名美國球隊釋出後,這位紐約尼克隊後衛在過去兩週間異軍突起,大幅提振了這支身處全球最大體育市場之一、但多年來卻十分低迷的球隊的士氣。
That storyline alone would make the 23-year-old Californian an attractive proposition to advertisers, but add in the fact he was born to Taiwanese parents and you would, it seems, have marketing gold on your hands.

"There's no question brands will be interested in Jeremy Lin," stated Jeremy Walker, head of sports marketing and branded entertainment for GolinHarris. "You only have to look at what Yao Ming has done, not just for the National Basketball Association (NBA), but for brands that he represents both in the U.S. and China."
高誠公關公司負責體育行銷暨品牌娛樂的老闆傑若米華克指出:「各廠商無疑會對林書豪深感興趣。你只要看看姚明在美國職籃 NBA 中,還有他代言的美國與中國品牌所產生的效益就知道了。」  
"For every top Chinese star that comes out from the Olympic Games or wherever it might be, there's always going to be an awful lot of interest from brands because all the major brands in the world are still looking to China for growth," Walker explained. "A lot of brands want that positive 'halo effect' association they are going to get from being involved with a superstar." 華克解釋:「不管是在奧運或任何賽事中嶄露頭角的華人體育明星,全球各品牌肯定都會對他們十分感興趣,因為這些企業仍仰賴中國來刺激銷售量成長。許多品牌都希望取得超級巨星代言時產生的正面『光環效應』。」  
Lily-licious! 花來瘋!  
The presence of fresh flowers can immediately change the atmosphere of a room, whether it is a romantic gesture in the form of a rose bouquet or a homey pot of lively gardenias. Imagine the impact then, of an entire exhibition hall filled to the brim with stunning flora, accompanied by soft acoustics, running water and dreamy lighting. That description accurately captures the atmosphere of the one and only Taipei Bloom Art, an ongoing art show that employs floral blossoms as its creative medium. 不管是以一束玫瑰花表達浪漫,還是一個居家的活潑梔子花盆栽,只要擺放鮮花就可以立刻改變場所中的氣氛。那麼,請想像一個滿是炫目花朵,搭配輕柔樂曲、流水與夢幻般燈光的展示廳吧。這樣的描述精確掌握了獨一無二的「花現台北——爭艷再現」特展的氣氛,而這場正開放參觀的藝術展就是以花卉作為創意的媒材。
Strangest life 史上最詭異的生物  
If scientists find microbes in a frigid lake two miles beneath the thick ice of Antarctica, it will illustrate once again that somehow life finds a way to survive in the strangest and harshest places. 科學家若在南極洲厚厚冰層下兩哩的冰冷湖泊中找到微生物的話,將再次突顯:生命總是有辦法在最奇怪且艱困的環境中找出生存之道。
Local News
A ‘Linderella’ story 灰姑「郎」的故事  
Jeremy Lin, the Taiwanese-American point guard for the New York Knicks with a strong passion for Taiwan, will visit the island after the National Basketball Association (NBA) season to coach children in Taiwan again.  紐約尼克隊的台裔美籍控球後衛林書豪對台灣懷有一份熱情,將在 NBA 球季結束後回台灣教小朋友打球。
World News
Luxurious Maldives resorts uninterrupted by political fire 政治亂局也無法阻擋馬爾地夫的奢華  
Tourists enjoying the sun and sand at the Maldives' luxury island resorts have barely put down their cocktails during the political crisis rocking Asia's newest democracy, oblivious to behind-the-scenes links of tourism to the tumult. 政治危機使馬爾地夫這個亞洲最年輕的民主國家陷入動盪不安的局面,但在該國的奢華度假村中享受陽光和細沙的遊客,手中的雞尾酒幾乎都沒有放下來,對該國政治危機和旅遊業之間的幕後關聯也渾然不知。
Adele tears her way to six Grammys 愛黛兒稱霸葛萊美,一舉拿下六個獎項  
Soul singer Adele triumphed in her return to music's stage this month, scooping up six Grammys and winning every category in which she was nominated. As joyous as the show was for Adele, however, it was equally as serious with tributes to late pop star Whitney Houston, who died suddenly on Feb. 11. Taiwan's singing sensation Yu-chun Lin, who rose to fame by singing Whitney Houston's signature song "I Will Always Love You," said he felt heartbroken over his idol's death. 重登音樂舞台後,靈魂歌手愛黛兒本月大獲全勝,一舉拿下六個葛萊美獎項,在獲得提名的類別中攻無不克。頒獎典禮給愛黛兒帶來無限歡娛,但節目對於在二月十一日週六猝逝的流行歌手惠妮休斯頓也給予非常莊嚴的致敬。台灣以模仿惠妮休斯頓名曲《I Will Always Love You》竄紅的林育群說,他對個人偶像的猝逝感到很傷心。

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