Machu City in the Sky Picchu
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自
Deep within the Andes Mountains sits an ancient city once lost to time. At the height of the Incan Empire, the ninth Incan emperor Pachacuti ordered the building of a city above the clouds called Machu Picchu. Around the 15th century, thousands of masons and artisans shaped tons upon tons of stone with nothing but simple rock hammers. Over the years, these skilled craftsmen would shape what would become the seat of the Incan Empire.
In 1532, 168 Spanish conquistadors invaded the Incas in search for gold and riches. The small band of conquistadors overpowered thousands of Incan soldiers with their guns, horses, and steel armor. The once mighty Incan Empire fell, and the proud city of Machu Picchu was abandoned and forgotten.
坐落在安地斯山脈深處,有一座曾被世人遺忘的古老城市。在印加帝國全盛時期,第九任印加君王帕查庫特克下令建造一座聳入雲霄的城市 ── 那就是馬丘比丘城。大約在十五世紀時,數千位的石匠和工匠,僅用簡單的石槌來替一噸又一噸的石頭塑形。多年過去,這些技藝高超的工匠,打造出馬丘比丘城這座印加帝國的權力中心。
1532 年時,一百六十八名西班牙入侵者侵略印加帝國來尋找黃金和財富。這群規模不大的西班牙入侵者用他們的槍枝、馬匹和鐵甲,打敗了數以千計的印加士兵。曾經強盛的印加帝國就此衰敗,而印加帝國引以為傲的馬丘比丘城也被棄置和遺忘。