
Die Trying



英倫翻譯 圖文摘自


In the middle of Turkmenistan's Karakum desert sits a huge crater of fire, which the locals call the gateway to hell. Sometime in 1963, the ground beneath an oil rig fell, which swallowed the rig and the surrounding camp. While exactly how the crater caught on fire is not known, the fires have been burning nonstop for the past four decades. To even step foot in a place like this would be considered madness, but National Geographic Channel's new show Die Trying does just that.
The show follows teams of scientists and explorers who test the limits of human knowledge. Each episode explores the inner depths of the Earth or some other remote part of the world otherwise considered too dangerous to study. The aim of each team is to risk their lives to discover something previously unknown about the world.

座落於土庫曼卡拉庫姆沙漠中有個燃燒著熊熊烈火的超級大洞,當地人都稱它為「地獄之門」。約在 1963 年左右,油田鑽台下的地面塌陷,吞噬了鑽台和周圍的營地。儘管大洞究竟是如何著火的確切原因並不清楚,但是大火迄今已不停燒了四十年。連踏進這樣的地方都會被認為瘋了,但國家地理頻道的新節目《不可能的冒險》卻做到了。


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