◎魏國金 2011/08/24
Labrador Retrievers are known for their hunting skills and friendly dispositions, but Beau, a black Lab who lives in Montana, is winning acclaim for his math abilities.
Owner David Madsen says if he tells Beau there are six dogs at the park and three dogs leave, and then asks him how many are left, the dog replies︰"Woof, woof, woof."
"He counts, he adds and subtracts, he can do some division and has memorized square roots," Madsen said.
Although a dog with math skills better than plenty of humans seems incredible, the local fire chief says he vouches for the dog’s talents.
"Dave will say, ’What’s two and three?’ Then the dog will go, ’Bark, bark ... bark, bark, bark,’" said Chris Ricciardi, chief of the Finley Point-Yellow Bay, Montana Fire Department.
Madsen adopted the puppy a dozen years ago and began teaching him math basics when he showed signs of being intelligent.
He taught Beau to count using dog biscuits, laying out a handful and rewarding the dog when the number of his barks corresponded to the number of treats. "He caught on that rewards were associated with the correct number of barks," Madsen said.
vouch︰動詞,保證、擔保、作證。例句︰I can vouch for the correctness of the report.(我可以保證對這份報告的正確性。)
lay out︰片語,擺出、展示,也有安排之意。例句︰His father has a job laid out for him.(他的父親為他安排了一份工作。)
catch on︰片語,懂得、理解。例句︰I don’t quite catch on to what he is saying.(我還不太理解他在說什麼。)