Q:我看到 I wouldn't like you to think that I was being unfair. 這樣的句子,請問 I was unfair 和 I was being unfair 意義上有何不同?
A:英文中有所謂的 "stative verbs" (狀態動詞) 和 "dynamic verbs" (動態動詞),stative verbs 不可有進行式,反之,dynamic verbs 則可。be 動詞雖屬於 stative verbs,但當形容詞是在描述動作或行為 (actions or behaviors) 時,我們通常使用 「be + being + 形容詞」的句型。這種用法頗為常見。請看下面的例句:
- You’re being silly / foolish / childish when you do such silly / foolish / childish things. (當你在做這種愚蠢/幼稚的事情時,你的行為真是愚蠢/幼稚)
- I was walking on tiptoe and being very careful not to wake the baby. (我踮著腳走路,小心翼翼地不要讓我的動作吵醒嬰兒)
如果形容詞是在描述或表達「情感」(feelings)、「心理狀態」(mental states) 或「情緒反應」(emotional reactions),我們通常使用「be + 形容詞」的句型。請看下面的例句:
- I was upset / worried when I heard that they would have to operate on John’s knee. (當我聽到他們必須為約翰的膝蓋開刀時,我憂心忡忡)
- I am delighted to hear that you have passed all your exams. (我很高興聽到你已通過所有考試)
問題中的句子 I wouldn’t like you to think that I was being unfair. (我不希望你認為我處事不公) 所講的是行為、動作、措施或作法,不是情感、心理狀態或情緒反應。