Jazzing it up - Yoga Lin proves to be quite a charitable gentleman 與音樂王子林宥嘉的爵士之夜 - 慈善紳士林宥嘉實至名歸  
Impatient and fidgety for another brilliant album from Yoga Lin? Sorry, you might have to wait some more. The 25-year-old is currently busy rocking out all over Asia, playing one gig after another in a dedicated mission to share his music, and hence his beliefs, with his fans. A craving for more intimacy and face-to-face interaction has driven Lin to participate in a whole slew of rock-'n'-roll concerts, and not always for his own personal gain. Music, in fact, is his way of giving back to society. 迫不及待要聽到華語樂壇小天王林宥嘉的新專輯了嗎?不好意思,您得再等一陣子囉!這名年僅廿五歲的新生代歌手目前正以絕佳的歌聲席捲亞洲,與歌迷分享他的音樂和信念。為了與歌迷有更多面對面的親密交流,林宥嘉舉辦了無數場搖滾演唱會,而這可不只是為了增加個人收入而已;事實上,音樂對他而言是一種回饋社會的方式。
By partnering with the Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders (TFRD), Lin is trading his usual rocker uniform for a gentleman's outfit, all in the name of charity. Aptly christened "A jazzy night with Yoga Lin," the benefit concert will be hosted by the National Taiwan University of Science & Technology's EDBA/EMBA program. If you haven't figured out the business connection between the local university and one of our favorite artists, the hint lies within The Student Post's maxim: "The Best of Both Worlds." 台科大 EDBA/EMBA 研究所與財團法人罕見疾病基金會合作,特邀林宥嘉共襄盛舉,舉辦一場名為「林宥嘉邂逅爵士慈善音樂會」的義演,而林宥嘉一改平日搖滾風格,換上紳士形象的服裝演唱。倘若你不了解國內大學和受歡迎的歌手之間究竟有什麼商業連結,提示就是《學生郵報》的座右銘——「相輔相成」。
Cryptic, you say? Not if you take into consideration Lin's wide scope of musical influences, which range from Hong Kong's Eason Chan to British alternative rock group Radiohead. A similar mix of wide-ranging talents and performances is scheduled to take place at the jazz concert scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 26. Lin's eclectic performance style will be enhanced by an ensemble of top instrumentalists trained overseas in Europe and the U.S. — violins, keyboards, saxophones, oh my!
Spotlight on TaiwanGo team!
A Taiwanese research team has recently identified the brain cells responsible for the formation of long-term memory in fruit flies, which could pave the way for curing human brain diseases and enhancing memory. After seven years of research, they found that the formation of long-term memories requires the synthesis of new proteins in only a few cells in the brains of fruit flies.
"This discovery could help us understand how proteins and neurons form memory, and could be conducive to developing ways of curing human brain diseases and enhancing human memory," explained the team leader, National Tsing Hua University Professor Ann-shyn Chiang. "It may even be applied to the development of intelligent computers." 研究團隊領導人,國立清華大學教授江安世解釋:「這項發現可以幫助人類了解蛋白質和神經元如何形成記憶,而且可能有助於研發治療腦部病變與提升人類記憶力的方法。它甚至可以應用於研發智慧型電腦。」  
Although the fruit fly brain is much simpler than that of humans, they have many similar genes and proteins that are used in everyday activities such as learning, memorizing, sleeping and exploring. Therefore, the study of fruit flies can be helpful in the study of human brain diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's. 雖然果蠅的大腦構造比人類簡單許多,但在諸如學習、記憶、睡眠和探索等日常活動方面,兩者間卻會用上許多相似的基因和蛋白質。因此,研究果蠅或許對阿茲海默症、帕金森氏症和亨丁頓舞蹈症等人類腦部病變的研究有所助益。  
The team, whose findings were published in the Feb. 10 edition of Science magazine in the U.S., is also hoping to confirm whether the human brain also stores long-term memories in only a few cells.
Rats! 鼠譚風雲  
Look past your presumptions and you might fall in love, like Robin Rushlau of Dresden, Maine, foster and adoption coordinator with Mainely Rat Rescue, who explained that, "I had friends who had rats — I wouldn't even look at them. I thought they were the creepiest pets ever." 如果你放下既有的成見,或許你會像住在緬因州德列思登鎮的羅賓瑞思勞一樣,對老鼠愛不釋手。羅賓是緬因州「鼠類救援組織」的收養與合作認養人,她解釋:「我有些朋友有養老鼠,不過我以前對那些老鼠根本不屑一顧。我當時覺得老鼠是有史以來最讓人毛骨悚然的寵物。」
Axis of evil - Unraveling a decade’s worth of Bush Jr.’s legacy 邪惡軸心 - 剖析前美國總統小布希反恐戰爭十年來的效應  
It was the U.S.' first State of the Union address after the 9/11 attacks, and Uncle Sam was leading an invasion of Afghanistan in pursuit of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. 那是美國在九一一恐怖攻擊後首次發表的國情咨文,當時的美國正在主導進軍阿富汗的行動,以追緝蓋達組織首腦奧薩瑪賓拉登。巧合的是,前美國總統小布希於二○○二年一月廿九日如是說:「我們今晚齊聚於此之際,我們的國家正陷於戰火,國家經濟陷入衰退,而文明世界則面臨史無前例的危機。」
Local News
Delicious news, delectable dishes 可口新聞,美味盛饌  
Did you know that members of the California State Legislature feasted on bowls of tasty Taiwanese beef noodles last week? Moreover, the Sacramento-based Legislature even issued a citation in recognition of the culinary efforts of Chun-sheng Hou, winner of the spicy braised beef noodles category of the 2011 Taipei International Beef Noodle Festival, to promote exchanges between California and Taiwan through the famous Taiwanese dish. 你知道嗎?加州州議會的議員上星期吃了一頓美味的台灣牛肉麵。更有甚者,設在加州沙加緬度的加州州議會還頒發獎狀表揚大廚侯圳生的廚藝,透過牛肉麵促進加州和台灣的交流。侯圳生是二○一一年「台北國際牛肉麵節」紅燒組的冠軍廚師。
World News
The FBI ain’t got nothing on Steve Jobs 聯邦設查局對賈伯斯不是一無所知  
Apple cofounder Steve Jobs, hailed as one of the greatest technology visionaries of his generation, dabbled in illicit drugs in his youth and alienated colleagues yet commanded universal respect, according to interviews conducted by the FBI in the 1990s. 根據聯邦調查局在一九九○年代進行的訪談顯示,被視為當代最偉大科技先知的蘋果電腦公司共同創辦人史提夫賈伯斯,雖然獲得舉世推崇,但曾在年輕時涉嫌非法喀藥及欺壓同僚。
How to become a popular person 如何成為一個受歡迎的人  
In general, a person wearing a smile from time to time gives us the impression that he or she is optimistic and gets along well with the people around them. As far as I am concerned, a popular person is friendly to everyone and greets everyone happily. 大致而言,我們對於臉上總是帶著微笑者的第一印象,是會認為對方是一個樂觀好相處的人。就我的觀點來說,受歡迎的人不僅對人友善,而且會開心地問候大家。
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