大鵬航空罹難者家屬,哭紅雙眼感謝各界協助, 但也哭訴整個搜救過程非常混亂。罹難者家屬在8月30 號,得知飛機失聯,火速趕抵花蓮,希望獲取最新搜救進度,卻苦等不到訊
[[駕駛薛晨浩兒子 薛紹傑]]
“我們這幾天 都是靠航空公司 跟我們講新的消息 那我們想要進去知道第一手情報 都沒有辦法”
儘管偵測機發出了10次緊急燈號, 但偵測機殘骸花了三天才找到.搜救延宕誰該負責? 飛安會失事調查同步進行,第一批飛安官也已重返機骸發現地,帶回機上文件。花蓮地檢署也對三人死亡原因做出說明。
[[花蓮地檢署檢察官 蔡佰達]]
“三名機組員 都是因為失血過多而死亡 他們的骨骼狀態 一個是顏面骨折 一個是胸部骨折 一個是手部骨折”
Investigators have determined that all three individuals aboard the downed Dapeng Airlines plane died upon impact. But that hasn’t eased the anger of families who say the rescue mission was slow and disorganized.
Families of the victims aboard the Dapeng Airlines crash were overcome with emotion as they claimed the entire rescue mission was poorly executed. On Aug. 30, as soon as the plane had lost contact, many had rushed to Hualien in hopes of receiving the latest updates on the search and rescue mission. They heard little and were not allowed into the command center.
Hsueh Chao-jie
Victim’s Son
Over these past few days, we have had to rely upon the airline for new information. It was impossible for us to gain access to first-hand information.
It took three days for rescuers to find the plane, even though the aircraft transmitted 10 emergency signals. Families want to know why the delay occurred.
The Aviation Safety Council meanwhile has launched an investigation into the crash. The first batch of flight safety officers returned to where the plane was discovered and retrieved documents aboard the plane. The Hualien District Prosecutors Office also offered a cause of death for all three victims.
Tsai Bai-da
Hualien District Prosecutors Office
The three crewmembers died because of excessive bleeding. One suffered a facial fracture, another a chest fracture, and another had a fracture to the hand.
Families must now wait to learn the cause of the crash.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞