[[台北地檢署襄閱主任檢察官 黃謀信]]
“僅係依照京奧或其他大型活動之過去經驗估計預算 又僅依信賴表演工作坊所提之預算金額即編列 2億5千萬預算 承辦檢察官將另函請權責機關 就本件行政缺失部份予以究責”
[[前文建會主委 盛治仁]]
“我在腦海裡不知道已經想像過多少次 從我十個月以來 我就一直在等著 我知道我自己沒有做錯事情”
盛治仁因為此案辭去文建會主委一職, 他表示並不惋惜, 但對所牽涉到的人及藝術家感到抱歉。
[[前文建會主委 盛治仁]]
“很高興這個事情在人生當中 畫下一個句點 也還給所有人清白”
Prosecutors have ended their investigation in the “Dreamers” case. More than NT$200 million was spent on the two-day play, but investigators found no evidence of a crime to implicate former Culture Minister Emile Sheng or others involved in production.
“Dreamers” aroused widespread criticism. Many alleged Council for Cultural Affairs Minister Emile Sheng worked with Performance Workshop Theatre Founder Stan Lai to misuse funds allocated to the production. After 10 months investigation, prosecutors found no evidence of a crime, but did cite Emile Sheng for administrative negligence. Sheng had failed to open the project for public bidding.
Huang Mo-hsin
Taipei District Prosecutors
In accordance with other major events such as the Beijing Olympics, past experience has shown us that the estimated budget is in accordance with the Performance Workshop’s proposed budget of NT$250 million. But the relevant authority involved is guilty of administrative negligence.
Emile Sheng
Former Culture Minister
I have replayed the scenario many times and have been waiting for 10 months. I know that I had done nothing wrong.
Public criticism led Emile Sheng to resign as culture minister, though he said he did not regret his decision. He only expressed remorse for the people involved in the production and the artists.
Emile Sheng
Former Culture Minister
I'm glad this case is closed and everyone has been found innocent.
Sheng wasn’t the only high ranking official implicated. Ma Ying-jeou and Wu Den-yih also were also accused of wrongdoing, but prosecutors found no evidence to indict them.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞