The Delaney family of Leslie, Michigan made a shocking discovery in their yard recently when they stumbled upon several humungous mushrooms.
WILX News 10 reported that Ed Delaney told his wife Amy he had a surprise for her.
WILX News 10報導,艾德.迪蘭尼告訴老婆艾美說,他要給她一個驚喜。
She thought it could be flowers for their upcoming anniversary but instead she said, "I walked in and his arms were literally filled with this huge, disgusting white mass."
Ed said, "I had this mushroom the size of two basketballs, and it kind of shocked her."
But that wasn’t the last surprise, because only a few days later Amy made her own discovery of an even larger mushroom. Later they found two more of the perplexing fungi.
Madison Gomez, the Delaney’s daughter, said, "I had two of my friends over Friday. I told them about the mushroom, and they, I guess they didn’t believe me. So I showed them."
pop up:片語動詞,突然或出其不意出現。例句:The little boy popped up out of nowhere and scared his grandmother.(那個小男孩不知從哪裡突然冒出來,把他阿嬤嚇了一跳。)
stumble upon:慣用語,偶然發現;偶遇。
have someone over:慣用語,指有人來拜訪自己或與你相伴。例句:We’re having my husband’s parents over for dinner tonight.(今晚我公婆要過來吃晚飯。)
文章出處:<a href="">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞