International Museum of Mystery
揭密 007 ── 國際間諜博物館

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自

n the middle of Washington, D.C. sits a little-known museum devoted to the art of spying. The privately owned International Spy Museum features the largest collection of artifacts, gadgets, and secrets for public display. The museum records the history of spying from the ancient Greeks all the way to the modern era. Along the way, visitors can view the hundreds of gadgets and secret identities used by some of the world's most famous spies. In 2012, the museum opened a new exhibit devoted to James Bond and his villains. The museum also features a gift shop, where would-be spies can buy secret recorders, safes that look like soda cans, and much more.
位於華盛頓特區的中央,有一間鮮為人知的博物館專注於間諜方面的藝術。這間私人國際間諜博物館的特色是將收藏大量的歷史文物、小道具和秘密展示給大眾。博物館記錄了從古希臘直到現代那些關於間諜的歷史。在參觀的過程中,參觀者可以看到數百件全球一些知名間諜所使用過的小道具和秘密身分。2012 年,博物館新增一個關於詹姆士•龐德和片中反派角色的展覽。博物館裡也有禮品店,想成為間諜的人可以在那裡買到秘密錄影機、外型像汽水罐的保險箱和更多其他的東西。

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