Cat Scratch Fever 英國「馬爺爺」用盡積蓄照顧流浪貓 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 Inside Kaohsiung’s Linyuan district lives an elderly British man and 100 cats. For the past 10 years, Jerry McKay has spent most of his life savings tending to and caring for stray cats. The 70-year-old McKay earns money as a lecturer at the Greater Kaohsiung Open University, which he then uses to buy cat food and pay for vet bills. Each day, McKay places paper bowls of cat food to feed the 100 or so cats that live in his neighborhood.Nevertheless, McKay’s selfless devotion has caught the attention of Animal Rescue Team Taiwan, which has received many donations from the online community so McKay can continue to feed and take care of his 100 feline friends. 高雄林園區裡住著一位年長的英國男子和一百隻貓。在這過去十年來,馬凱杰已花了他畢生的積蓄來照料流浪貓。七十歲的馬凱杰靠著在高雄空中大學擔任講師來賺取生活費,而他就用這些錢來買貓飼料及付看獸醫的帳單。馬凱杰每一天都會放置裝著貓飼料的紙碗來餵食大約一百隻生活在他社區裡的貓。不過,馬凱杰無私的奉獻已引起台灣動物緊急救援小組的注意,他們已收到許多來自網路社群的捐獻,因此馬凱杰可以繼續餵食並照顧他的一百隻貓朋友。 |