“Who feels no ills, should, therefore, fear them; and when fortune smiles, be doubly cautious, lest destruction come remorseless on him, and he fall unpitied.”
– Sophocles, Playwright
「感受不到危機的人,應懼怕它;當命運之神眷顧時,應加倍小心,以免毀滅無情的來臨,失敗了還得不到同情。」– 索福克勒斯 (劇作家)
- ill (n.) 困難,禍害。例:The village has encountered a number of ills since last year. (這村莊自去年以來經歷了諸多禍害。) fortune (n.) 命運,際遇。lest (conj.) 以免,免得。例:Rest early lest you are unable to wake up early tomorrow. (早點休息免得你明天無法早起。) remorseless (adj.) 無情的,冷血的。unpitied (adj.) 沒得到同情的;pity (v.) 憐憫,同情。
- 索福克勒斯 (496/7 BC. – 405/6 BC.) 是古希臘劇作家、古希臘三大悲劇詩人之一,生活於雅典奴隸主民主制的全盛時期,他一生共寫 123 個劇本,如今只有 7 部完整的流傳下來,其中以《伊底帕斯王》最為出名。
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