Apollo 13
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On April 11, 1970, NASA’s third manned mission to the moon was launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida. The Apollo 13 mission was expected to take its three-man crew to the moon and back, just as the previous two Apollo missions had. This, however, turned out not to be the case. Sometime on April 14, an oxygen tank broke on the Apollo 13 spacecraft, which severely damaged the craft and its ability to keep the crew inside alive.
Inside the mission operations control room in Houston, Texas, NASA’s scientists and engineers raced to get Apollo 13 back safely to Earth. The engineers in Houston laid out a careful step-by-step plan for the Apollo crew to manage their oxygen and redirect their craft towards Earth’s orbit. The mission was seen as a successful failure.
1970 年四月十一日,美國航空及太空總署人類登陸月球的第三次任務從佛羅里達州的甘迺迪太空中心升空。和前兩次的阿波羅任務一樣,阿波羅十三號的任務預期將三位機組人員載往月球並返回。然而,這項任務並沒有完成。四月十四日的某時,阿波羅十三號太空船內的氧氣罐爆炸,嚴重損害太空船並危及維持機組人員在艙內生存的能力。