Recently, NASA’s Kepler spacecraft spotted an Earth-like planet orbiting the Goldilocks zone of a sun-like star in the Cygnus constellation. According to NASA, the newly discovered planet, Kepler-452b, is the closest match to our planet found so far. Kepler-452b is 60 percent bigger than Earth with twice the gravitational pull. The gravity is so strong on the planet that humans would weigh twice as much on Kepler-452b as they do on Earth. Setting foot on the new planet will not be happening anytime soon as the planet is currently located more than 1,400 light years away.
最近,美國國家航空暨太空總署( NASA)的克卜勒航天器在天鵝座中發現了一顆與地球相似的行星環繞著古迪洛克帶(編按:也有人稱為『適居帶』)的一顆與太陽相似的恆星。據 NASA說,這顆最近發現的 Kepler-452b行星是至今所發現與我們地球最相似的行星。 Kepler-452b比地球大百分之六十,引力則是地球的兩倍。這顆行星的引力如此強大到會使人類在 Kepler-452b上的體重變成在地球上的兩倍。因為這顆行星目前位於一千四百多光年之遙,所以要登陸這顆行星也不可能馬上發生。