Lennon was born in 1940 in the English working class city of Liverpool. When his alcoholic father left the family,John stayed with his aunt, who looked after him as if she were his own mother. In 1957, he bought a guitar and started a band. By 1962, Lennon's band, the Beatles, had become the most popular band the world had ever seen.Their incredible success is unlikely to ever be repeated,not only because of their amazing music, but also for the changes they made to culture.
藍儂於 1940 年出生於英國利物浦這個藍領階級的城市。約翰的酗酒父親離家出走後,他便待在他阿姨身邊,他阿姨把自己當成他母親一樣地照顧他。1957 年時,他買了一把吉他並組了一個樂團。到 1962年為止,藍儂的披頭四樂團已成為當時世人見到最受歡迎的樂團。他們這令人難以置信的成功不大可能再現,不只是因為他們了不起的音樂,也是因為他們對文化所造成的改變。