Vodka is set for a likely sales boost after receiving the endorsement of hard-drinking high priest of cool James Bond, according to a study published Tuesday.
The iconic character has increasingly been knocking back the hard stuff, with latest incarnation Daniel Craig judged by far the booziest Bond.
He has drunk an average of 20 units of alcohol per film since his debut in 2006’s Casino Royale, according to a study by British food and drink trade magazine The Grocer.
根據英國食品與飲酒貿易雜誌「The Grocer」的研究,自從在2006年的「皇家夜總會」登場後,他每部電影平均要喝20單位的酒精。
That compares with an average 12 units for Pierce Brosnan, 11 units for Sean Connery and just four or five units per film for Timothy Dalton.
The study even linked rising gin sales to a tie-up with the world’s most powerful film franchise.
But Craig himself said in an interview with Esquire magazine that he did not approve of his character’s hard-partying lifestyle, saying there was "a great sadness" in Bond.
knock back :片語動詞,在此指狂飲(尤其是酒類)。
unit of alcohol:單位酒精,每1單位酒精約為10公克的純酒精量,大概等於1瓶350c.c.的罐裝啤酒。
tie-up:名詞,連結、關聯、合作、罷工引起的業務停頓、交通堵塞等。tie up作動詞指紮、停泊、佔用、完成、使受阻。例句:The meeting will tie me up until noon.(會議將佔去我直到中午的時間。)