Disney’s classic animated feature, Sleeping Beauty, was first released this month in 1959. After the commercial success of Cinderella, which came out in 1950, directors Les Clark and Eric Larson and writers Joe Rinaldi and Winston Hibler began working on another animated film. In 1951, writers began working with animators to create a story where good won over evil and love conquered all. The end result was a creative retelling of the Brothers Grimm’s Little Briar Rose, first printed in 1528, under the new name of Sleeping Beauty.
迪士尼經典動畫長片《睡美人》,在 1959 年一月首度發行。自從 1950 年上映的《灰姑娘》獲得商業上的成功後,導演萊斯•克拉克和艾瑞克•拉森及編劇喬•里納迪和溫斯頓•希伯勒便接著著手製作另一部動畫片。1951 年時,編劇們開始與動畫家攜手打造出一部以正義打敗邪惡、用愛克服一切的故事。最後的結果就是將格林兄弟所作、在 1528 年首次出版的《玫瑰公主》以《睡美人》這個新名稱加入創意改寫而成。