Eighteen-year-old Madeline Stuart is many things—determined, athletic, and brave. She also happens to suffer from Down syndrome, but she has not let her disability stand in the way of her dream. Once the Brisbane teenager set her mind to becoming an international fashion model, there was no stopping her.When her mother posted the photos of her first professional shoot online, the images were quickly shared all over social media. NYFW came calling, and Stuart knew she had to work harder than ever.
十八歲的瑪德琳•史都華集許多特質於一身 ── 堅定、充滿活力和勇敢。她也碰巧患有唐氏症,但是她並沒有讓她的殘疾阻擋她追求夢想。一旦這位布里斯本的年輕人決心要成為一位國際時尚模特兒,沒有人能阻止她。當她媽媽張貼她首次專業的拍攝相片到網路上時,這些圖像快速在所有社群媒體上被分享轉貼。紐約時尚週前來邀請,史都華知道她必須比之前更努力。