《中英對照讀新聞》A Man in Kazakhstan Held Up a Blank Sign to See if He’d Be Detained. He Was.-哈薩克男子高舉空白標語牌,想看看是否會被拘留。果然如此。

To test the limits of his right to peacefully demonstrate in Kazakhstan, Aslan Sagutdinov stood in a public square holding a blank sign, predicting he would be detained.



He was right.


Mr. Sagutdinov’s encounter with the police in the city of Uralskon Monday, which was filmed and posted on YouTube, came as the country prepares for a presidential election in June, its first transfer of power in decades.


"I want to show that the idiocy in our country has gotten so strong that the police will detain me now even though there are no inscriptions, no slogans, without my chanting or saying anything," Mr. Sagutdinov said in the video.


The episode stood out to human rights watchers as a particularly vivid example of Kazakhstan’s restrictions on expression.


英倫翻譯社 轉自https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1290943



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