中英對照讀新聞》A Japanese Politician Is Taking Paternity Leave. It’s a Big Deal. 一名日本政治人物請育嬰假。這可是件大事。
In a move heavy with symbolism for Japan’s workaholic fathers, Shinjiro Koizumi, a politician seen as a possible future prime minister, said on Wednesday that he would step back from his duties to care for his newborn child after the birth later this month.
By the standards of other wealthy countries, Mr. Koizumi, Japan’s environment minister, will not be away from work for long.
But in Japan, where fathers who take time off after a birth are rare, word of Mr. Koizumi’s intentions swept social media and drew praise from supporters as setting a powerful example.
In Japan, men are generally expected to demonstrate total loyalty to their employers, often at their families’ expense. The announcement from Mr. Koizumi, whose father, Junichiro Koizumi, was one of Japan’s most popular modern prime ministers, raised hopes that those expectations could begin to change.