2022/10/19 05:30
Julie Chin, a television news anchor in Oklahoma, was telling viewers about a local event when, all of a sudden, she was struggling to speak.
“I’m sorry,” she said after stumbling over her words. “Something is going on with me this morning, and I apologize to everybody.”
Fortunately her co-workers recognized that she was suffering a medical emergency and immediately called 911.
Dr. Neil Schwartz, director of the Young Stroke Program at the Stanford Stroke Center, said in an interview that Ms. Chin might have experienced a transient ischemic attack, which can mimic a stroke.
“When people have strokelike symptoms, we don’t want them to go back to sleep or wait until Monday to tell their doctor,” he said. “It’s better to err on the side of caution.”
jump into sth.:片語,突然決定做或投入某事(通常指未經仔細思考。)例句:The firefighters jumped into action when the alarm went off.(消防員在警報聲響起時立刻行動。)
stumble:動詞,絆倒、跌跌撞撞;結巴。例句:I kept stumbling over my words during the interview.(我在訪問中一直吃螺絲。)
err on the side of caution:片語,寧可過於謹慎而不要冒險。例句:It’s wise to err on the side of caution.(謹慎為要是明智的。)