2023/04/24 05:30◎陳成良
Israel’s Defense Ministry on Thursday said it has begun talks to sell an advanced missile defense system to Germany. The announcement came two weeks after Israel said it was selling another missile defense system to NATO’s newest member, Finland.
以色列國防部週四表示,已開始就向德國出售先進的飛彈防禦系統進行談判。兩週前,以色列表示將向北大西洋公約組織( NATO)最新成員芬蘭出售另一套飛彈防禦系統。
Although Israel has long had close economic and military ties with western European countries, the latest deals could draw the attention of Russia.
Israel has repeatedly rebuffed requests to sell arms to Ukraine for fear of antagonizing Russia. It appears to be counting on the fact that the latest deals involve only defensive weapons. Israel’s Defense Ministry also noted that both deals would also need U.S. approval, because the systems have been jointly developed with the United States
In Thursday’s announcement, the ministry said it launched “advanced negotiations” this week with its German counterparts over the purchase of the “Arrow 3,” a system designed to intercept long-range missiles outside the atmosphere. (AP)
draw the attention:片語,使(某人)注意某事。例句:(She was just trying to draw his attention to the hat. 她只是試著要將他的注意力移到帽子上。)
antagonize:動詞,引起…的敵意(或反感)。例句:It’s a very delicate situation and I’ve no wish to antagonize him.(這是一種很棘手的局面,而我無意使他和我反目成仇。)