2024/01/30 05:30

A spaniel born with six legs that was found abandoned in a supermarket parking lot is now like other dogs after having her extra limbs surgically removed.


Ariel, who was named for “The Little Mermaid” character because the additional appendage with two paws on the end looked like a flipper, ran through the grass outside a veterinary hospital Saturday as she adjusted to life on four legs.


“She is doing brilliantly,” said Vicki Black, director of the Langford Vets Small Animal Referral Hospital, where she was operated on Thursday.


The dog, who had multiple birth defects, was found in the center of Pembroke, Wales, in September. Greenacres Rescue took her in and raised funds for her surgery.

出生時有多種缺陷的這隻狗,是在去年9月威爾斯的彭布羅克市中心被發現。Greenacres Rescue收留她,並為她的手術募集資金。

brilliantly:副詞,燦爛地、出色地、明亮地。例句:He seems to do everything brilliantly-piano playing, skiing, sailing.(他似乎什麽事情都做得很出色——彈琴、滑雪、帆船運動。)

defect:名詞,缺陷;動詞,脫離、叛逃。例句:When the national hockey team visited the US, half the players defected.(當國家曲棍球隊訪問美國時,有一半隊員都叛逃了。)

英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1628697

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    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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