2024/02/06 05:30

An inert rocket of the type used to carry a nuclear warhead has been found in the garage of a home of a deceased resident in Washington state, police said.


Bellevue police responded Thursday to a report of a military-grade rocket in the garage of a home in the city. Police said an Air Force museum in Dayton, Ohio, had called Wednesday evening to report an offer to donate the item, which a neighbor said had been purchased at an estate sale.


Bomb squad members inspected the rusting object and found it was a Douglas AIR-2 Genie, an unguided air-to-air rocket that is designed to carry a 1.5 kt W25 nuclear warhead.

拆彈小組成員檢查該生鏽物件,發現是道格拉斯AIR-2 Genie火箭,這款非導引空對空火箭是被設計來攜帶一枚1.5千噸爆炸當量的W25核彈頭。

“Because the item was inert and the military did not request it back, police left the item with the neighbor to be restored for display in a museum,” police said.


be designed to:為某目的而設計或計畫。例句:The measures are designed to improve public health.(這些措施是為了改善公共衛生。)

estate sale:遺物拍賣會。例句:She bought the car at an estate sale.(她在一場遺物拍賣會上買了這部車。)

英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1629923


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