中英對照讀新聞》Eiffel Tower climber in custody after daring ascent-大膽登高後 艾菲爾鐵塔攀爬者被拘

Rescuers successfully talked down a man who scaled the upper heights of the Eiffel Tower on Monday, and handed him over to police.


Television channels ran live shots as rescuers perched on the 324-metre tower’s wrought-iron struts, just below the highest viewing platform, tried to persuade the unknown man to give himself up.


The tower’s operator said he had entered the monument normally before climbing over the safety fencing on the second level and clambering up the outside of the tower.


"At 21:30, Paris firefighters succeeded in reasoning with the individual and he is now in the hands of the competent authorities," the operator said.


Police cordoned off several streets closest to the tower as crowds of onlookers gazed up at the perilous operation which began mid-afternoon.

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《中英對照讀新聞》Culture or cruelty? Camel fighting persists in Pakistan despite ban 文化或酷刑?被禁的賽駱駝仍存在於巴基斯坦

Thousands cheer as a caravan of camels outfitted in saddles and garlands are ready to fight. The camels wrestle with their necks and bite as they attempt to pin their adversary to the ground.


Eventually the referee declares a winner, with fans surging forward to encircle the victorious animal. The owner sits proudly on the camel’s back and has prize money of around 100,000 rupees.


The country has a long history of blood sports - with bears, cocks, and dogs, among the other creatures forced to fight. But according to the Pakistani law, all animal fights are illegal.


Enthusiasts brush away the criticism, saying the fights are a tradition in the country’s Punjab province. "It’s our culture. People gather here, greet each other and forget the anxieties of life."


Last year the government passed an amendment to its Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Bill which suggested the fine for inciting animals to fight should be increased from 50 rupees to 300,000 rupees.(AFP)

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Just because you don’t understand someone, doesn’t mean you can’t try to be considerate of how they feel.

門當父不對 (Meet the Parents), 2000​

#解憂電影院 No.339


“ 親愛的水ㄤ水某,我跟男友在一起好幾年了。





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《中英對照讀新聞》Tiananmen massacre a ’vaccination’ against turmoil : Chinese state media 中國國營媒體:天安門屠殺是對抗動亂的「疫苗接種」

A Chinese state-run newspaper has described the massacre that ended mass pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989 as a "vaccination" that protected the country from future "political turmoil."


Chinese nationalistic tabloid Global Times said the government’s decision in 1989 had ended "disputes" in the country and helped "all the Chinese people face the future." "As a vaccination for the Chinese society, the Tiananmen incident will greatly increase China’s immunity against any major political turmoil in the future."the article said.


In spring 1989, students and workers occupied Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in a massive pro-democracy protest. Many were killed in a brutal clampdown by the communist authorities. Reporting on the events is heavily censored in China.


Former 1989 protesters who have left China said the lack of political dissent in the country, and discussion of Tiananmen Square, was more due to fear than to a wide consensus.



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《中英對照讀新聞》The web is broken, so its founder is taking another stab at it 全球資訊網出了毛病,其創立者正在試點別的

The founder of the World Wide Web thinks it’s broken and has a plan to fix it.


Tim Berners-Lee, the British computer scientist credited with inventing the web in 1989, announced a new project that he hopes will radically change his creation, by giving people full control over their data.


The open-source software is called Solid. It allows developers to create decentralized apps that run on data that its users fully own. If Solid becomes widely adopted, then all your apps could talk to each other using the same set of data, which you and only you control.


The new project is a clear rebuke of the tech giants whose opaque use of personal data is core to their businesses. Facebook’s notorious grip follows people around the web, even if they’ve signed out or have actually deleted their accounts, and Google’s Android phones track people’s movements, far beyond just their coordinates.


英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1293236

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