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2021/01/21 05:30


Andrew Eddy, 30, was on a snorkeling trip with his pregnant wife, Margot Dukes-Eddy and her family at Sombrero Reef in the Florida Keys. But as Eddy had just slid into the water, a large shark latched onto his shoulder.


"Dukes saw the shark’s dorsal fin and then blood filling the water. Dukes, without hesitation, dove into the water and pulled Eddy to the safety of the boat," the police wrote in his report.


Dukes managed to avoid injury during the rescue, but the police described Eddy’s shark bite wound as severe.


Several other snorkelers from other boats were already in the water when the attack happened, the police wrote. Other boaters said they had seen a bull shark in the area that morning, which they estimated to be as much as 2.7 meters long.(AP)



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2021/01/20 05:30


Heat-related deaths are surging around the world, particularly among older people, scientists said on Thursday, warning of growing pressure on health systems hit hard by COVID-19.


Almost 300,000 people over the age of 65 died from extreme heat in 2018 - a 54% rise in two decades, said a report on the links between health and climate in The Lancet medical journal.


"Climate-induced shocks are claiming lives, damaging health and disrupting livelihoods in all parts of the world right now," said Ian Hamilton, executive director of the fifth annual report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change. (Reuters)




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2021/01/19 05:30


Staff from the National Library of Australia have made an incredible discovery dating back to the Boer War involving one of the nation’s most iconic poets.


The 120-year-old Cadbury chocolate bar that belonged to ’’Banjo’’ Paterson was found intact and with minimal decay. ’’There was quite an interesting smell when they were unwrapped,’’ National Library of Australia conservator Jennifer Todd said.


The souvenir tin had ’’South Africa 1900’’ and ’’I wish you a happy New Year, Victoria RI’’ inscribed on it.


In 1899, Queen Victoria decided she wanted to send a gift of chocolate to her troops serving in South Africa.


She commissioned three major British chocolate manufacturers, Fry, Cadbury and Rowntree, to produce the goods and it has been documented Queen Victoria personally paid for the manufacturing of the tin boxes.

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2021/01/18 05:30


One in five of marriages in the UK have benefited from the national lockdown, research has revealed.


A study carried out by the Marriage Foundation found 20 per cent of married parents felt their relationship had strengthened while only nine per cent said theirs had worsened during the pandemic.


During their research, the national charity analysed data from 2,559 parents who had completed a questionnaire by the University of Essex for the UK Household Longitudinal Survey Coronavirus Study.


They found twice as many marriages had improved during the coronavirus crisis while the proportion of parents considering divorce fell by two thirds from those seen before the pandemic in 2017-2019.


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2021-01-14 05:30


After 13 years, Opa-locka city in southern Florida has overturned a ban on "saggy pants" –bottoms that reveal the wearer’s underwear.


The City Commission voted on a 4-1 vote to repeal both the legislation that said women, not just men, could receive civil citations for wearing pants that exposed their undergarments.


The vote was a first reading of the repeal, meaning it will need to be approved again at a subsequent commission meeting before its official. But the item was co-sponsored by four of the five commissioners.


"I was never in support of it ,’’ Vice Mayor Chris Davis, who sponsored the repeal, said. "I felt it disproportionately affected a certain segment of our population, which is young, African-American men."(AP)



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2021-01-13 05:30


While President Donald Trump has refused to acknowledge that he lost the election, he’s handling the lame-duck period as his predecessors did in one respect:awarding plum appointments to key allies, donors and friends on his way out of the White House.


Since the election, the White House has announced more than 100 appointments and nominations - some to key administration posts, but also to various advisory boards and commissions.


The practice of lame-duck appointments is by no means new or unusual. The president’s two most recent predecessors, Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush, made a similar flurry of appointments in the final days of their lame-duck administrations.



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2021-01-12 05:30
Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA responded to a call Tuesday morning about two young raccoons who were found inside a closed bank.「半島人道協會與國際防止虐待動物協會」週二上午回應1通電話,關於兩隻年輕浣熊被發現在1家未營業的銀行裡。

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2021-01-11 05:30


Men with shaved heads are perceived to be more masculine, dominant and, in some cases, to have greater leadership potential than those with longer locks or with thinning hair, according to a recent study out of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.


Some executives say the style makes them appear younger—or at least, makes their age less evident—and gives them more confidence than a comb-over or monk-like pate.


The study found that men with thinning hair were viewed as the least attractive and powerful of the bunch, a finding that tracks with other studies showing that people perceive men with typical male-pattern baldness as older and less attractive. For those men, the solution could be as cheap and simple as a shave.




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2021-01-08 05:30


A pitbull named Zeus was stolen from his Butte, Montana family two months ago. When the alleged dognapper was captured in West Virginia, Zeus was still with him.


Fortunately for Zeus and his family, he was microchipped. His family was found, but getting him home wasn’t that easy. Many airlines have banned pitbulls from flying.


A network of dog-loving volunteers came into play and put together a relay of drivers to give Zeus a lift back home: 15 volunteers traveling 2,000 miles across nine states in four days.


A Kansas City radio station got wind of the trip and did a live report on Facebook during one of the handoffs.



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2021-01-07 05:30


Austrian man Josef Koeberl beat his own record for the longest full body contact with ice cubes by staying 2 hours, 30 minutes and 57 seconds inside a custom-made glass box filled up to his shoulders with ice cubes.


More than 200 kilograms of ice cubes were needed to fill up the box, after Koeberl stepped inside wearing nothing but swim trunks.


In order to dampen the "wave of pain" caused by the freezing temperatures, Koeberl says he was trying to focus on positive emotions.


A small crowd of people watched on as Koeberl beat his own record from 2019 by 30 minutes. After being taken out of the ice box by helpers he said that "the sun felt really great on my back."(AP)



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2021-01-06 05:30


The Austrian village of Fucking is changing its name, the mayor of the municipality where it is located said on Thursday, after residents apparently grew tired of the sniggers it prompted in the English-speaking world and of visitors stealing its signs.


The village has long been a figure of fun in English-speaking media, which have gleefully reported local exasperation at signs being removed.


In 2018 the pornographic website Pornhub said it was offering free premium access to residents of Fucking and towns with names such as Titz, Germany or Big Beaver, Pennsylvania, in the United States.


As of Jan. 1 the village will be called Fugging, the official statement said, adding that the initiative had been brought by the residents of the village. (Reuters)



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2021-01-05 05:30◎黃靖媗

Andrew Slorance, 51, has won a $1m prize to help him continue to develop a revolutionary ultra-light, stable carbon fibre wheelchair.


He was aware of how tipping over backwards was the primary cause of accidents for wheelchair users. One way to deal with this is by having the axle to the back of the wheelchair and putting the user’s weight to the front of it - but this brings new challenges.


When the weight is carried by the small front wheels, this adds drag, making pushing and turning much more difficult, and introducing uncomfortable vibrations that can cause pain and muscle spasms.


Wheelchair designs have previously had to make a trade-off between agility and stability, but Mr Slorance’s new design allows the wheelchair to automatically change the weight distribution itself, keeping users balanced while also ensuring they’re as agile as possible.



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2021-01-04 05:30◎陳成良

Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nestlé have been accused of "zero progress" on reducing plastic waste, after being named the world’s top plastic polluters for the third year in a row.


Coca-Cola was ranked the world’s No 1 plastic polluter by Break Free From Plastic in its annual audit, after its beverage bottles were the most frequently found discarded on beaches, rivers, parks and other litter sites in 51 of 55 nations surveyed. Last year it was the most frequently littered bottle in 37 countries, out of 51 surveyed.


Coca-Cola came under fire from environmental campaigners earlier this year when it announced it would not abandon plastic bottles, saying they were popular with customers. In March, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestlé and Unilever were found to be responsible for half a million tonnes of plastic pollution in six developing countries each year, in a survey by NGO Tearfund.




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2020-12-31 05:30


An Australian David Tait entered his home in Laceys Creek in Queensland state and was surprised to find a large chunk of the ceiling lying on his kitchen table. "I knew we hadn’t had rain, so I looked around to find what had caused it," Tait said.


He soon found two culprits, non-venomous carpet pythons 2.8 meters and 2.5 meters long, that had slithered into a bedroom and living room. The snakes have an estimated combined weight of 45 kilograms.


Snake catcher Steven Brown was called to remove the two snakes. "I would assume that it was two males fighting over a female that was nearby in the roof," he said. He suspected the female could still be in the ceiling or nearby.


The males were returned to the wild, but the suspected third snake hasn’t been found.(AP)


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2020-12-30 05:30


As early as February, with the global pandemic spreading fast, the World Health Organization issued a warning about an "infodemic", a wave of fake news and misinformation about the deadly new disease on social media.


Now with hopes hanging on Covid-19 vaccines, the WHO and experts are warning those same phenomena may jeopardise roll-out of immunisation programmes meant to bring an end to the suffering.


"The coronavirus disease is the first pandemic in history in which technology and social media are being used on a massive scale to keep people safe, informed, productive and connected," the WHO said.


"At the same time, the technology we rely on to keep connected and informed is enabling and amplifying an infodemic that continues to undermine the global response and jeopardises measures to control the pandemic."(AFP)



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2020-12-29 05:30


Officials in Jasper, an alpine town in Canada’s Alberta province, have put up signs asking motorists to avoid allowing moose to lick the salt off their cars.


"They’re obsessed with salt, it’s one of the things they need for the minerals in their body," Jasper National Park spokesman Steve Young told CNN. "They usually get it from salt lakes in the park, but now they realized they can also get road salt that splashes onto cars."


At the Jasper National Park, where people often park on the side of the road in hopes of catching a glimpse of the moose, letting the animals near your car is actually a serious danger.


By allowing moose to lick the salt off your car, they will become habituated with being around cars. That poses a risk to both the animals and the drivers who can accidentally crash into them.



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2020-12-28 05:30


Japan plans to boost its tumbling birth rate by funding artificial intelligence matchmaking schemes to help residents find love.


From next year it will subsidize local governments already running or starting projects that use AI to pair people up.


Last year the number of babies born in Japan fell below 865,000 - a record low.


The fast-greying nation has long been searching for ways to reverse one of the world’s lowest fertility rates.


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2020-12-25 05:30


Statues of the politically unpalatable have this year been toppled, beheaded and graffitied from the American South to Belgium, and Britain to New Zealand. Not even Winston Churchill was spared.


In the English town of Grantham, an 11-foot pedestal now stands empty. That’s not because the statue atop it has been vandalized — though many expect it will be once it is finally installed.


Next year, that plinth is to become the base of a stern-looking, larger-than-life bronze monument to Grantham’s most famous daughter:Margaret Thatcher. Known as the "Iron Lady," Thatcher was the first female prime minister of Britain and remains a divisive and polarizing figure three decades after leaving office.




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2020-12-24 05:30


A curious dog got hold of a fiber optic cable that ran between Amite county buildings in Mississippi, chewing it to pieces.


The cable connected a courthouse and a nearby Justice Court building, Tim Wroten, the county’s sheriff, told the Enterprise-Journal.


The wire was mostly elevated but dipped to the ground by the front door of the Justice Court, where the dog chewed it. However, the culprit was not caught in the act.


The sheriff has a suspect in mind but lacks evidence to hold up his charge. If officials knew who the troublemaker was, the county could seek damages, which amounts to more than $7,000, from the owner.


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2020-12-23 05:30


The Dutch government on Friday outlawed traditional fireworks over New Year, saying the one-off ban would help hospital workers overburdened by the coronavirus pandemic.


New Year’s celebrations in the Netherlands are notoriously wild, with people setting off tens of millions of euros worth of fireworks in back gardens and streets, often causing injuries.


"The sale and lighting of fireworks will face a one-off ban during the coming year-end," the Dutch cabinet said in a statement.


"This is to avoid extra pressure on already over-burdened care workers and to maintain public order," it said. (AFP)



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