How to mind your manners at an English-speaking dinner/如何在說英語的晚餐上注意禮節 (中英對照 精華文章)
1. 在英語國家中,餐具指刀子、叉子和湯匙(用餐的器具)。每個人無時無刻對於使用的餐具而感到困惑。基本規則就是從外向內使用你的餐具(朝盤子的方向)。
2. 在用餐期間,如果你需要離開餐桌到洗手間,簡單的說:「Please excuse me for a moment.」你也應該在打電話的时候說。當你可以將手機設定為靜音模式,將手機關閉較更有禮貌些。
3. 你必須要在任何情況下,避免吃東西時發出聲音(在口中發出'slurp'聲音)!更要注意的是,當你在喝湯或吃麵的時候!
4. 即使你吃很多,主人還是招待你要吃多一點。如果你已經飽了,你可以說:「Thank you, but I really couldn't eat another bite」或「I'm stuffed!」。比較口語的說法:「very full」。
5. 使用你的刀子與叉子表示結束你的用餐(將它們一起放在你的盤子裡)。為了展現你的感激之意,你可以這樣說:「What a delicious meal! Thank you so much.」要等所有人用餐完,再行離開。
6. 將手伸過餐桌被視為是很粗魯的。如果你需要拿鹽或者某一盤菜,但不在你面前時,你可以這樣說:「Please pass the ...」
7. 最後,不需要擔心任何細節。現今,餐桌禮節更注重的是展現親切及姿勢。當懷疑的時候,你只需要參考一下你身旁的人是如何做的即可!
Eating in a foreign country is not only about understanding the menu! Good table etiquette means knowing both what to say and how to behave. Read on to make sure youe behaving properly at an English-speaking dinner table!
1. In an English-speaking country, cutlery refers to knives, forks and spoons (eating utensils). Everyone gets confused from time to time about which utensil to use. The basic rule is to start from the outside and work inwards (towards your plate).
2. During the meal, if you need to leave the table to go to the bathroom, simply say "Please excuse me for a moment." You should also do this if you need to answer a phone call. While you can leave your cell phone on silent mode, it is more polite to turn it off.
3. Slurping (making a 'slurp' sound with your mouth) is something you should avoid at all costs! Be especially careful not to slurp when you are having soup or noodles!
4. Even if you have eaten a lot, your host will often try to encourage you to eat more. If you've really had enough, say "Thank you, but I really couldn't eat another bite" or "I'm stuffed!", which is an informal way of saying 'very full'.
5. Indicate you have finished eating by 'closing' your knife and fork, (putting them together on your plate). You can say "What a delicious meal! Thank you so much." to show your appreciation. Wait for everyone to finish before leaving the table.
6. It is considered rude to reach across the table. If you need the salt, or would like a dish that is not in your immediate area, you can say "Please pass the ...".
7. Finally, don't worry about every little detail. Nowadays, etiquette is more about displaying graciousness and poise. And when in doubt, just look to your neighbor for clues!