◎國際新聞中心 2011/07/21
Researchers followed around 7,000 people aged 65 and over living in three French cities, for at least five years. They found those who used a lot of olive oil in cooking or as a dressing or dip had a lower risk of stroke than those who never used it. The researchers say older people should be given new dietary advice regarding olive oil.
Lead author, Dr Cecilia Samieri, of the University of Bordeaux, said: "Our research suggests that a new set of dietary recommendations should be issued to prevent stroke in people 65 and older. Stroke is so common in older people, and olive oil would be an inexpensive and easy way to help prevent it."
The researchers studied the medical records of 7,625 people aged 65 and older living in Bordeaux, Dijon and Montpelier. They were asked whether they used olive oil in cooking, on salads or with bread intensively, moderately or never.
After around five years, 148 of the men and women had had a stroke. The study found the stroke risk was 41% lower in those who regularly used olive oil compared with those who abstained, once other factors such as diet, exercise and weight were taken into account.
dip:名詞,沾醬,動詞也是 dip,沾、浸泡。例句:She dipped her toe into the pool to see how cold it was.(她把腳趾浸到泳池裡,看看水有多冷。)
dietary:形容詞,飲食的。例句:Do you have any special dietary requirements?(你有什麼特別的飲食要求嗎?)
abstain:動詞,戒除,不使用。例句:He took a vow to abstain from alcohol.(他發誓要戒酒。)