
To a Daughter Leaving Home(給要離家的女兒)

亲子脚踏车_0039 -素材世界 - 图片素材 - 经典图库 - 运动_亲子脚踏车

When I taught you 我在你八歲

At eight to ride 教你騎

A bicycle, loping along 腳踏車,邁著大步

Beside you在你身旁

As you wobbled away 你搖搖擺擺

On two round wheels, 坐兩個圓輪而去,

My own mouth rounding 我自己圓著嘴

In surprise when you polled 驚見你使勁

Ahead down the curved 前行,順著彎曲的

Path of the park, 公園小徑,那時

I kept waiting 我一直等待

For the thud 那砰然一聲

Of your crash as I 你摔下來,便

Sprinted to catch up, 衝著追上去

While you grew 而你漸行

Smaller, more breakable 漸遠

With distance, 漸小,漸易破損,

Pumping, pumping 拚了命

For your life, screaming 踩上,踩下,尖聲

With laughter, 大笑,

The hair flapping 頭髮甩動

Behind you like a在背後,像一方

handkerchief waving 手帕揮舞著

Goodbye. 再見。



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