Why do strawberries taste different in the summer and the winter?

  The fruits and vegetables in local supermarkets usually remain unchanged throughout the year. _(1)_ However, it's also clear that the flavors of these out-of-season fruits are lacking in comparison with those of in-season ones.
  How can the lankpatchy spinach of winter possibly compare to the thick-leaved, juicy spinach of spring and summer? There is even a difference in their nutritional values. _(2)_ The reason for this is that the fruits and vegetables delivered to supermarkets out of season are either shipped from other parts of the world or grown in the artificial conditions of greenhouses. These foods are usually harvested before the produce is suitably ripe, refrigerated, and sometimes zapped with radiation to kill germs before the lengthy transportation process. _(3)_ Foods that have been carried halfway around the world have dullercolors and blander flavors, not to mention insipid textures.
  Another important factor to consider when choosing seasonal foods is the simple matter of price. _(4)_ Thus, local farmers' markets are great places to buy fruits freshly picked and vegetables straight from the ground. Moreover, prices will reflect the supply and demand of seasonal foods. _(5)_ When figuring out what to cook for dinner, check to make sure it's in season first.

(A) Locally-grown products are often cheaper than imported goods due totransportation costs.
(B) These preservative measures not only harm the foods' natural nutritionalvalues but also have negative impacts on their taste.
(C) Therefore, since fruits and vegetables that are in season are often moreabundant, they will no doubt be cheaper.
(D) According to Japanese researchers, spinach picked during the summercontains three times the amount of vitamin C as its winter counterpart.
(E) This means we've all eaten foods that are out of season at some point, such as strawberries in the fall, pears in the summer, and watermelons in the winter.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提到,在地超市裡的蔬果種類通常整年一成不變,推測下一句會說到我們所吃的東西。
    b. (E) 選項的句子說,這表示我們在某些時候都吃過非當季的食物,像是秋天的草莓、夏天的西洋梨,和冬天的西瓜等,符合推測,故為正選。
    a. out of season  過了產季,不當令
    例: Mangoes are out of season during the winter.
    b. at some point  在某個時刻
    c. strawberry n. 草莓
    d. pear n. 西洋梨
    e. watermelon n. 西瓜

  2. 第二題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前 2 句提到,冬天的菠菜跟春夏的菠菜在營養價值上也有差異,推測下一句會提到差異何在。
    b. (D) 選項的句子說,根據日本研究人員的報告,夏季採收的菠菜,其維他命 C 的含量是冬季菠菜的 3 倍,符合推測,故為正選。
    a. spinach n. 菠菜
    b. contain vt. 包含
    例: This file contains my medical records.
    c. 倍數詞 + the amount of + 不可數名詞 + as...
    例: George ate three times the amount of food as everyone else at the buffet.
    (喬治在自助餐廳吃的食物是其他人的 3 倍。)
    d. counterpart n. 相對應的人∕事∕物
    例: The CEO will discuss the contract with his Japanese counterpart tomorrow.

  3. 第三題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提到,這些農產品通常在成熟前就被採收和冷藏,有時候在長途運送前還會照射放射線來殺死微生物。
    b. (B) 選項的句子說,這些保存措施不僅會破壞食物天然的營養價值,還會使它們的口感變差,前後語意連貫,故為正選。
    a. preservative a. 保存的 & n. 防腐劑
    b. measure n. 措施
    take measures to V  採取措施做……
    例: We must take measures to control the spread of this disease.
    c. nutritional a. 營養的
    d. have an impact on...  對……有影響
    例: The author's words have had an impact on many people's lives.

  4. 第四題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提到,選擇當季食物的另一因素純粹是價格上的考量,空格後則提到在地(local)農場是購買鮮採水果和剛採收蔬菜的最佳去處。
    b. (A) 選項的句子說,由於運輸成本的緣故,在地種植(Locally-grown)的產品通常比進口商品便宜,置入後銜接前後 2 句,且關鍵字 local 和 Locally-grown 前後相呼應,故選之。
    a. import vt. 進口
    export vt. 出口
    例: My new set of knives was imported from Germany.
    b. transportation n. 運輸

  5. 第五題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提到,價格也反映出當季食物的供需關係。
    b. (C) 選項的句子說,因此,由於當季的蔬果通常產量豐富,價格當然也就比較便宜,前後語意連貫,故為正選。
    a. in season  正當時令,盛產中
    例: These watermelons are as cheap as dirt because they are in season right now.
    b. abundant a. 大量的;充足的
    例: This forest is abundant in rare mushrooms.
    c. no doubt  毫無疑問地
    例: There is no doubt that cell phones are a necessity nowadays.
  1. in comparison with/to...  與……相比
    例: In comparison with Mark, Ted still has a lot to learn.
  2. compare to + N/V-ing
    例: When it comes to creativity, no one can compare to my younger brother.
  3. artificial a. 人造的,人工的
    例: The latest trend is to use organic fertilizers instead of artificial ones.
  4. harvest vt. 收割 & n. 收成
    例: With the new machines, the farmers find it easier to harvest their crops.
  5. not to mention...  更不用說……
    例: Citrus fruits are rich in fiber, not to mention vitamin C.
    (柑橘類水果富含纖維質,更不用說維他命 C 了。)
  6. straight adv. 直接地
    例: I usually go straight home after school.
  7. reflect vt. 反映;反射
    例: I like that talk show because it reflects my political views.
  8. supply and demand  供需
    例: The law of supply and demand determines most of the prices in the market.
  1. lacking a. 不足的,缺少的
  2. lank a. 瘦長的
  3. patchy a. 不勻稱的
  4. juicy a. 多汁的
  5. greenhouse n. 溫室
  6. produce n. 農產品(不可數)
  7. suitably adv. 適當地
  8. refrigerate vt. 冷藏,冷凍
  9. zap vt.(用放射線)照射
  10. radiation n. 放射線,輻射
  11. lengthy a. 冗長的
  12. halfway adv. 在中間;在半途
  13. dull a.(色彩等)不鮮明的;無光澤的
  14. bland a. 淡而無味的
  15. insipid a. 沒有味道的
  16. texture n. 口感;質地
  17. seasonal a. 季節的


  冬天乾扁、稀疏的菠菜怎麼能跟春夏茂盛、多汁的菠菜相比?它們甚至在營養價值上也有差異。根據日本研究人員的報告,夏季採收的菠菜,其維他命 C 的含量是冬季菠菜的 3 倍。原因在於這些送到超市的非時令蔬果,不是從世界其他地方運送過來的,就是在溫室人工的條件下栽種的。這些農產品通常在成熟前就被採收和冷藏,有時候在長途運送前還會照射放射線來殺死微生物。這些保存措施不僅會破壞食物天然的營養價值,還會使它們的口感變差。食物在運往全世界的途中,色澤會變得較不鮮艷,也會變得較沒味道,更別說吃起來的口感了。
答案:1. (E) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C)

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