[[台聯黨團幹事長 許忠信]]
[[立委(民) 陳亭妃]]
[[立委(國) 丁守中]]
President Ma Ying-jeou is headed off to Taiwan-held Pengjia Islet in a symbolic move to reiterate the country’s sovereignty over the disputed Tiaoyutai Islands. He’s asked a number of legislators to go with him, but some have said no, either branding the exercise as pointless or saying they had prior commitments.
Just over 30 nautical miles northeast of Keelung, Pengjia Islet is the closest piece of land to the disputed Tiaoyutais. The president wants to go there to make a statement and has invited lawmakers across partisan lines to join him, but opposition legislators are saying “no thanks.”
Hsu Chung-hsin
TSU Legislator
The president’s secretary-general called me and invited me to accompany President Ma to Pengjia Islet. I declined because I was not willing to endorse President Ma. Going to Pengjia Islet to declare sovereignty could be interpreted as saying the Tiaoyutais are not part of our territory.
Chen Ting-fei
DPP Legislator
Pengjia Islet is 140 kilometers from the Tiaoyutais. You can’t even see them. The trip to Pengjia Islet is completely for show.
Even some legislators from Ma’s own party, the KMT, could not accept the last minute invitation.
Ting Shou-chung
KMT Legislator
I can’t participate because I already had something else arranged. The government should take aggressive action to protect Taiwan’s fishermen in waters near the Tiaoyutais. We should go all out on that.
The president may not want to go solo to the small Taiwan-held islet, but it’s clear he’s having trouble finding people to go with him.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞