[[日官房長官 藤村修]]
“在今天的閣僚會議上決定,為了維持尖閣諸島的和平和安定,所需要的經費,購買釣魚台 北小島和南小島,動用本年度的預備預算,20億5千萬日圓”
[[日本官房長官 藤村修]]
Taiwan and China are up in arms after Japan finalized its purchase of the disputed Tiaoyutai Islands from a private owner. The islands, known as the Senkakus in Japan, were bought for just over 2 billion yen.
On Tuesday morning members of the Yoshihiko Noda cabinet sat in a line for an important meeting. They decided to buy three of the Tiaoyutai Islands. Documents were quickly signed with the private owner. Nationalization was complete.
Osamu Fujimura
Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary
In today’s cabinet meeting we decided to use 2.05 billion yen from the 2012 budget reserve to purchase Uotsuri-jima, Kita-Ko-jima and Minami-Ko-jima. The deal will ensure peace and stability on the Senkaku Islands.
Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs dispatched an official to Beijing to explain the purchase.
Osamu Fujimura
Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary
The Senkaku Islands are part of our territory. We do not want to see them affect Sino-Japanese relations. What’s most important is that we avoid misunderstandings by China and any unforeseen circumstances.
Today Japan also announced that it is switching its ambassador to Beijing. The experienced diplomat Shinichi Nishimiya will take over for Uichiro Niwa, who had come from the private sector.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞