Limestone ’Venus’ 23,000 years old dug up in France 有2萬3000年歷史的石灰石「維納斯」在法國出土 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 A limestone statuette of a shapely woman some 23,000 years old has been discovered in northern France. 一尊2萬3000年前豐滿勻稱的石灰石女子塑像,在法國北部被發現。 Archaeologists stumbled on the Paleolithic-era sculpture during a dig in the summer in Amiens, the first such find in a half-century. 考古學家夏季在亞眠地區的挖掘工作中,偶然發現這尊舊石器時代的雕像,這是半世紀以來,首次有這類發現。 "The discovery of this masterpiece is exceptional and internationally significant," said Nicole Phoyu-Yedid, the head of cultural affairs in the area, on showing the find to the media. 「這個傑作的發現非比尋常,且具國際重大意義,」該區文化事務首長傅尤.葉迪德,在向媒體展示這項發現時表示。 "We were expecting to find classical vestiges such as tooled flint or bones," said archaeologist Clement Paris. But on their second day of fieldwork, the team found a pile of limestone that included fragments that did not seem natural. “That same night we carefully pieced together the 20-odd fragments and realized it was a female statuette,” he added. 「我們希望找到加工過的燧石、骨骼等古典文物,」考古學家巴黎斯說。但在他們第二天的現場工作中,考古團隊發現一堆石灰石,包括似乎非天然成形的碎塊。「當晚我們小心翼翼地組合這20塊奇特的殘塊,發現這是一個女性塑像。」他補充道。 Carbon-14 dating showed the statue to be 23,000 years old. About 12 centimeters high, it shows a woman with big breasts and buttocks. The head and arms are less detailed. 碳14年份測定顯示,該塑像有2萬3000年歷史。這尊約12公分高的雕像,是一名豐胸肥臀的女子。頭與手臂較不精細。 "The fact that the sculpture is not totally realistic shows the intent was to produce a symbolic image of a woman linked to fecundity," Paris said. (AFP) 「這座雕像並非完全寫實,顯示其意圖是製造出與繁殖力有關的女性象徵性形象,」巴黎斯說。(法新社) |